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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Yah they're still pushing the limits of current gen consoles. And am I the only one who is completely doesn't give a shit about the release date predictions? I know the games a long way off. I'd be more interested in hearing about real info about features of the game.
  2. haha Frighteners was a kickass movie.
  3. Maybe I'll get dead island 1 when the second one comes out. I bet it will be for sale on steam
  4. True. They would be dumb not too. But yah the game has so much potential. And it looks amazing.
  5. There was a lot about far cry 2 that was amazing, but little things fucked it up. Like the whole malaria thing. I remember you could only get the pills from missions and stuff? Its just such a burden to have in an open world game. It doesn't promote exploration. Which in this game would be amazing. And I agree about how many fucking enemies there are. Again, I cant just explore around when I'm constantly being attacked. It made it unenjoyable. It was just too much. A more balanced open world like Skyrim or fallout would be better. At least in those you could go at least 5 mins without being attacked. The enemies were a bit too hard to kill too. I headshot wouldnt kill them. That's retarded.
  6. It would be worth to adopt children, then download the killable children mod, then kill them when their in my basement. Now THATS roleplaying.
  7. new dlc is a rip off of a mod lol http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18480?oldsid=CysxvwGCxHCEDzuEGuxuvusGuDwHyuwHtywzDEHG
  8. DiO


    haha yah my first thought was I was going to be a thief, and this game doesnt have "thief" races like argonian or khajiit that always get discriminated against so I had to make a black guy. then once i decided to make jules i was stoked. i'll probably make a 3rd character and play one the game with a total conversion mod. there are a few out there. wanna do this http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8747 and then these total conversions http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/2761 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/17937 went back to my cracker so I can be a biker for a bit. its hard to drive and you fall off pretty easily. really cool mod tho
  9. DiO


    shot his leg off. the rest of him fell over the edge
  10. DiO


    Yah its strong enough you use when you get sneaking critical hits.
  11. DiO


    Fuckin QD and his typo. For a second there I thought he was just making up shit and pretending to know stuff about the game for lulz
  12. DiO


    His head flew all the way across the way to that tree just fell in love with the railway rifle
  13. I like how it stops people from whoring the guns they are really good with. mainly the awp.
  14. I agree that all the perks are dumb, but the aiming is my main point. It's (if anything) easier to kill people in Call of Duty because the have less health than in CS, but as a lover of realism you should be all over that. I played CS GO for the first time the other day, having never really played previous CS games to a serious extent - I was immediately at the top of the player list, and I'm not your 10th prestige FPS fanboy, in fact, I don't really play FPS's aside from RB6 Vegas and BF3. People say how hard it is, and it's much easier than CoD, aiming has nothing to do with that. The aiming probably just makes the game feel unpolished and archaic. Lets just hope Halo 4 has iron sights, otherwise I won't be buying it. CoD doesnt exactly have less health. It kinda seems like it does because the gun have less recoil and the bullets him them more which bring me to my original point. You say the game was easy because you were at the top of the list...yah its easy when you play with people that suck. Im sure if u asked the people you were killing they would have to says its hard. Glad you agree perks suck. Recently I've talked to people and they all agree with that. Maybe they're tired of the whole idea. Who is still wanting perks? Gotta be a lot of people of they keep putting them in the new friggin games.
  15. there will always be a shit load of use made maps and mods
  16. Two things seem missing.... silencers and sprays. what the fuck lol
  17. copy pasta the country side looks amazing. I hope that is open at the beginning of the game. First place im exploring
  18. A toned down version of what SA had would be welcome.
  19. DiO


    http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/index.php?search=ortis&fulltext=Search No results found.
  20. No, it is harder. Way more recoil. In CoD is a hell of a lot easier to spray and pray and kill someone. What makes CoD hard isnt the aiming. Its the fucking perks that drive me crazy. That and the higher level you get, the better perks and gun you get. and at that point your good at the game. The low level newbs dont stand a chance with shitter gun and lower skill of the overall game. Love CS cause its more about skill. I fucking hate the whole perk leveling think. Max Payne 3 online was ruined by this. People would unlock dual wield Mac10s and they they would just rape. So overpowered.
  21. DiO


    whose ortis? \/ this karma response was epic. told that mother fucker
  22. I agree but it was the first next gen game built from ground up. No time to make compelling side missions. that or they were "saving" them for the next game. either way im sure gta V will step up. a lot of people complained about the side games of IV. they probably went with pool, bowling and darts cause little things like that are easy to implement. Burglary missions would be more involved.
  23. Joe_King...you're wrong. They were optional. Getting 100% completion is optional. If you dont need to do them to finish the main storyline...I'd say its optional. Im pretty sure when you do turn off your phone, the important calls to advance the story still come up. (might be wrong about this, but meh) and speak for yourself what makes people excited. Assuming you can play tennis, I think it would be a cool feature. I loved mario tennis lol. And their ping pong game got really good reviews hahaha. So yah, it would be cool. Im surprised bones was the first to mention basketball in SA. I was going to earlier then decided I didnt really give enough of a fuck to post in this topic. but after some kind of dumb posts I feel compelled to. And I wouldnt worry about R* adding "really awesome things" to GTA V. Itll be there.
  24. DiO


    So far the lady killer perk is as useless as yall said it would be. Only used it once and it did nothing. But on the other hand, My character is Jules Winnfielf....so how could I not give him lady killer? PS for some reason when I went to my apartment all my iguanas were dead. Apparently they froze to death. I guess the Tenpenny tower has really good air conditioning....