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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO

    WWE 13!

    Jeff is in TNA now.
  2. DiO


    Blew up megaton Got a mutant mod. adds more creatures. These dudes run around the wasteland, and found out I can capture them live. Theres an option to eat them for HP but I wanted to see if I drop them in my tenpenny house if they would walk around and such, and they do. So now their my little buddies.
  3. No its not. Iron sights are over rated. to aim and kill someone in CS is way fuckin harder than CoD.
  4. DiO

    360 vs PS3

    If you want shooters, get an xbox. If you want a more wide variety of good exclusive titles, use an internet browser on your TV and play blu-rays, get a ps3. ...but actually, if you wanna play shooters, or any game for that matter, and mod the shit out of them so it feels like a whole new game....get a gaming PC.
  5. DiO

    WWE 13!

    HHH was awesome with Michaels in the original DX. When they brought DX back, it was pathetic.
  6. DiO

    WWE 13!

    Yah Vicky Gurrero was fucking annoying. I do respect the fact tho that they gave her a job because Eddie died and she was able to take care of her family.
  7. yah they're finally giving us our fix lol. it'll keep the impatient noobs from tweaking.
  8. I know i keep forgetting he was the clumsy dad in Malcom in the Middle.
  9. DiO


    Jules Winnfield.............
  10. DiO


    Can anyone tell who my new character is supposed to be?
  11. DiO


    Just look up how, and did that gltich. Good stuff. thanks to that heres my new set-up. Wonderfully goofy looking but still provides a good amount of armour I'd imagine not.
  12. DiO


    I saw this armor in the pitt DLC and immediately thought of team fortress.
  13. DiO


    ohh, maybe ill use it then hhaa Also, nukes
  14. Well as an online game, "difficulty" doesnt really apply much cause when your playin against Asians they kick your ass no matter.
  15. DiO

    WWE 13!

    my thoughts exactly.
  16. The weapon models look way to small in my opinion. The shotguns look like toy guns, and the M3 looks terrible... £10 where I live can buy you two pints and a large kebab! I live in the same place What's your steam ID? Me and Dio will show you how to have a good time #WHGSWEO
  17. If they had widespread complaints about that from the beta they'd likely change it. If not, your nit picking lol. just playin tho. CS fans deserve to be super picky. Cause they are the most loyal of gamer fans. Not llike those everyday CoD whores.
  18. DiO


    I got hellfire armor. at full condition the armor is 49. I should have got the winterized armor sooner. would have been more useful. I merk enough hellfire troops to keep my armor in good condition. in a role playing sense it's lame to wear the enemies armor but not enough brotherhood die around me for me to snag their shit and keep my armor perfect.
  19. I think your talking about cs_assault actually one of my favorite maps. heres how I rememnber it from CZ/1.6 lol source. when source came out my comp was too shitty to play it, so i never got it which is why im going to love this. 1.6 to cs go is a huge leap. Ive only played source for a couple of hours at a friends house. I thought it was amazing
  20. DiO


    Well my main problem with that is I dont sneak. I guess its probably meant for sneakers. lol. I gotta use the railway rifle now just for shits and gigs. I should try and get these schematics earlier in the game. Now with my plasma rifle, gatling laser, burnmaster and nuka grenades, these are less useful. I just rape with those. Not to mention the gauss rifle. so, speaking of the gauss rifle, and the winterized armour from that dlc....wtf do you use to repair those?
  21. Dam, you pissed off Cy? I'm a Sargent in the RCMP but I've consulted with Cy for a US/Canadian relations incident one time. With the little amount I am allowed to disclose, I have to say Cy is not one to be messed with. And he gets things done.
  22. DiO


    How do you think I felt? I barely had any energy weapons in the beginning and NO small guns skill. it was tough going. But now im probably better off. The plasma rile and the tri beam laser rile rape hard. edit forgot to mention I hit level 30.....a couple day ago lol