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Everything posted by DiO

  1. O well no one attacked anyone we have achieved world peace
  2. Yah it was funny a hell some others seen spiderman the same night. idiots.
  3. To those bitching about the size, I think its iight compared to my dude
  4. Well the monster mod ads like 70 new enemies lol. They are all offshoots of existing enemies. Just new models pretty much. But it's still fucking awesome to see such a new variety.
  5. they have the size and animations of falmer. so not that big really. \/ cookin dinner
  6. I know, fuckin love it. Got the conjuration monster mod. one of those goblins is mine.
  7. That mod is great when ur done all the quests U wanna do and you just want to killl shit. It fucked up something with my spawning and a lot of the time when I tried to enter a cave it would crash. Got rid of it cause with my new character Im trying to do quests again and between them all that war is too much lol.
  8. Tank's heyday was years and years ago when half the UFC were stupid brawlers. He hasnt been relevant in a long time. It was when they were selling it as human cock-fighting and not a legitimate sport. The whole Kimbo thing was all about ratings for the ultimate fighter. But it gave the dude a legit chance to prove himself. And he didn't do completely terrible. He was pretty humble the entire time too. But yah Kimbo should have went with boxing. But he's pretty old. A fighting career probably wont happen for him now. I haven't followed UFC for a long time. I dont get spike anymore and I never know when fights are on. I should be torrenting that shit. I did watch the last ultimate fighter tho. The long haired cave man dude one. Most were cheering for him cause his Dad died while he was away on the show. Most would have left the show after that but he stayed. Pretty amazing story.
  9. I got 39 hours in my second character, my breton mage. and im level 39. a level per hour. pretty dam good I think.
  10. We'll I didnt know much about GTA IV going in. I knew general shit about gameplay but from what I saw any trailer or whatever really never gave anything away storyline wise. R* really never releases too much shit about their games. When new games are coming and a site releases like a "first 10 minutes" video of the game before its out, I never fucking watch those. If you really wont wanna know anything about GTA 5 and go in blind, then dont read anything.
  11. Yah kiss by all the trophies and 100% completion cause you used a cheat so you dont have to do this \/ NN NN OOOOOOO NNN NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN NNN OOOOOOO
  12. looks pretty dam funny
  13. *doesnt read 3 pages cause OP was BS I should be an analyst. I could just make up crap and get paid for it.
  14. NN NN OOOOOOO NNN NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN NNN OOOOOOO ....No. The whole skinny weight thing like SA I'd be fine with but I dont wanna worry about dying cause I cant find a fuckin burger shot.
  15. basically you just said I hope they bring back vigilante missions.
  16. idk lol dragon ate a dude, chick was on its head. looks like one foot on the arrow, one on the dragons head. it was awesome
  17. South to cover more of Engayland.
  18. I had a blast being my nord running through all the caves and just one hitting motherfucker with a warhammer.
  19. NN NN OOOOOOO NNN NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN N NN O O NN NNN OOOOOOO edit seriously, no. Like people said, LA noire, true crime. I like running around murdering random people for no reason. It wouldnt work as a cop at all. Even if you played a dirty cop like Francis McReary, it would be too over the top. Of course when you go on murder rampage it still doesnt fit the storyline with any common criminal. Like Niko wouldnt to that, but it would feel even more out of place.