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Everything posted by DiO

  1. /\armour looks good. DLC armour? Well I did some shit like combine lockpicking with something else to make them more worth while. I know the one I looked at fucked around with speech a lot too cause in this game its fucking retarded.
  2. Yah true. Good thing about skyrim is you mod it non-destructively. The mods dont replace original game files. They either adds file to the game that can easily be removed or if they do replace, it just loads the mod instead of the original file. It can fuck your game data up tho if u have script heavy mods that you remove. I eventually want to get a skill tree mod. theres a bunch out. adds new perks, combines the useless ones to make them more useful. shit like that. I'll probably do that after im happy with my mage and do that with a thief character.
  3. Well I gotta say glitch wise skyrim is better for PC and not talking PC gamimg as a hole. I've heard of a lot of issues with the ps3 version of skyrim. I've had the same gltiches I've heard about but I could immediatly fix them through some googling isntead of putting up with them. a bit of the glitches I inflicted myself with mods, but its totally worth a bit of a fuss cause the mods I got going now are stable and fucking amazing
  4. PC version of skyrim from what I hear is less glitchy than the console versions. especially when there is a glitch, you can just find a patch for it really dam easily.
  5. Itll try some of those. I find a lot of times those trouble shooting steps never fucking work
  6. No shit. All it does is waste their money and piss of everyone that doesnt have an xbox
  7. My buddy mike was tripping me out on the weekend and I couldnt figure out why. I now realized its because he looks fucking exactly like you. probably just the beard but still
  8. Whens that come out? Im hoping to play as my mage for that. That is unless by then he is a high level. Im already level 27
  9. Nice shot. With my mage I went light armour, IDK know why...switching to heavy. Havent put any perks in light so no big fuckin deal.
  10. IDK my last pic someone else took while I was smiling after puking. No shame here lol
  11. Finally got it game crashed withing seconds of starting up. itll only run in safe mode. I dont wanna fuckin play it safe mode.
  12. DiO

    GTA IV - SA

    Kinda weird with the good looking player and car models in the shitty graphic environment, still pretty cool
  13. Well its better than that duck face you just posted. DUCK HUNTING BANG UR DEADLOL
  14. Meh no big deal, unless you set ur scale at like 10. I only went a bit taller. Still realistic enough
  15. DiO

    Saints Row

    Dude, I was gonna say HOLY SHIT YOUr DoDE LOOKS LIKE BRUCE DICKINSON then I read and you were trying to make him. All im sayin is good job lol. I didnt even need to see first it was supposed to be him.
  16. Setscale is gay in first person. why? I didnt notice a difference. edit with him I was mostly in 3rd anyway. didnt have to aim too much with a huge 2 hander weapon. Only time I did was when I was using my bow.
  17. Lol Did that one. Easy as shit. I just ran through the whole fuckin thing. Yah, can't really sneak up on a dude that is running the whole time and killing enemies in one hit with their sprint attack. Yah right, I drink way too much milk for that to happen,
  18. Psh face to face you wouldnt stand a fucking chance. Hiding pussy. Fight like a man. I'd actually be interested to see how they would do sneaking NCPs. You dont fight any like that in Skyrim. Yeah, but, it's my wood elf. That's an auto-win. Im just gonna call bullshit. Simple as that.
  19. Especially when you have your player.setscale to 1.2 My nord is 8 feet tall, what now bitches? Kept my mage a short little bitch.
  20. DiO

    Saints Row

    U know its pretty easy to not to bother with customizing. Select presets and shit. No reason to complain
  21. Still the cost of hosting and forums wouldnt be worth it. I dont think it would make much money for ads. It'll be something to look at once a new one comes out...if one comes out.
  22. Can't take on trolls untill like what....level 30. they're pretty tough. Try fighting a Giant.....fuck.