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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Yah fair enough. They dont really have any race specific quests do they? Even if there were only a couple per race, that would be awesome.
  2. You mean a Khajiit? You can be one. Just gotta select that race.
  3. Not liking my mage character as much as my nord two hander guy. The two hander dudes kills shit way fast than the fucking destruction spells. Conjuring is cool shit tho especially when you have conguration mods. eventually my dude will be pretty dam good tho because I plan to have a good amount of skill in 1 handed as well.
  4. yah totally. the only reason I dont have it is because SR3 was on sale on steam for 15ish bucks. Done that through. Probably wont play it again. Ill get this soon enough
  5. DiO


    Usually PB&J I have a least one a day. Sometimes 2. I never get tried of that shit
  6. Still havent got this game yet....
  7. DiO

    Hitman Series

    Never played a hitman game before but Ive seen my buddy play it for a bit one time. and it does look awesome. I'd probably get it if I had income.
  8. I must have not seen that post edit anyways... HE IS RISEN!!!!!!!!
  9. What I meant was I didn't know it was him till I saw that pic ghaaa. Usually when people return in a different name they make an attention whore topic with "Im back" or some shit,
  10. Did you get this move on the map yet?
  11. Yah all the menus reminded me of AC.
  12. True IDK if it is airing but I watch it off the internet. I ask friends what are good shows to watch and he mentioned it. And yah I heard how it wasnt aired in Victoria. And a couple of times they show the mug shots of certain characters after they get locked up and there is a caption at the bottom of the screen saying some shit about how legally they wheren't allowed to name the characters. yup
  13. So a friend told me to watch this show. Done the first 3 seasons. Its about crime in Australia. Based on actual events. Each season is a different case. A lot of killing in it. And since its based on real events it is very unpredictable. Pretty often there is a character that gets a lot of screen time and you think like any other show they will be the lead. But then they get locked up or killed. I was wondering if anyone has seen it. Surely our aussie members Darth Sexy or HWB know it. It's like an Australian sopranos. My only problem with the show is there is too much sex and boobs filler. Might make me sound gay but If i wanted to wank I'd watch hardcore porn.
  14. Skimmed the first. It's a load of BS to get website hits. Thats why they have a next button too see the rest of the article. Sites do that so the page reloads and it inflates their hits. The entire purpose of the article is just to get fanboys to read it.
  15. If they announce a new skate game anytime we should totally make one. there are active communities like this one SkateFluckit they post vids and shit they make regularly. Its dying down pretty good so its not worth it right now I dont think. But if they do announce a new one, i think it would be a good idea and id totally run it.
  16. Yah UN pretty much covered it all. So with that being said.... ...No.
  17. I felt I needed to post this. Me after puking.
  18. So....this still happening?
  19. DiO

    The Last of Us

    Holy fuck. I wonder how many different ways there are to get through that area.