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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Ha yah that's the greatest. I usually just punch it forward and look for a lamppost, mailboxes or another passing car and make them splat into that. Dont have to turn much to do it. They usually hold on long enough so you can do that. It's pretty brutal.
  2. HAHHA it does too. EDIT also, horse armour is fucking cool. and theres my new mage character.
  3. Nah I think it's more R*'s style to have it pics of another game. I think even if they didnt want it to be an easter egg...it would be pics of planes from SA or IV. They do shit like that all the time. But these dont look anything like SA or IV. I'm willing to bet a real dam good chance its planes from V.
  4. I make my move into ireland
  5. Ill keep going south to get me some of that UK
  6. Ryder works at Pizza stack in GTA V? OMG IS THIS A R# LEAK!
  7. the dice usually determine who wins a battle. and a territory is lost when all of those armies are destroyed. say i invaded your space and i sent 1 army. I suppose we all only have 3. if i won the battle you would have 2. also, when we move, you can choose how many of your armies you move. of you move all 3 then your original territory is no longer yours. so you would send maybe 2. so if I sent 2 to that same space where you have two armies, and won both dice roll, both your armies would be defeated. get it? i fear the OP didnt really know what was going on. i dont get how we would otherwise decide who wins a battle at the end of each round each player is supposed to get bonuses. from what i remember these bonuses depend on the cards you draw. bonuses would be like adding more armies to start in your homeland. and also the ability to roll 2 sets of dice in a single battle.
  8. I still dont get stating how going in a general direction works. How many armies do we move each time? do we move one county at a time each round? whatever, im on a boat MOTHER FUCKER heading down to the UK.
  9. K, so what do I do? Qanal, wanna combine gay forces that are pink in nature. Mass orgies are on the table. My men shall receive.
  10. As Gaylord of Gayland.....I declare crocs the official footwear of the Isles of Gay.
  11. how do we get more than one country then?
  12. I'll take Ireland and UK then and be a the Isles of Gay. AKA Gayland. Woo! I dont remember if its good to bunch up your countries together in this game or not.... I know its good to be at the edge and not start in the middle.
  13. the rolling system seem pretty good that Qanal outlined. so, we get 3 territories....so we pick 3 then..so far errbody only took 1.
  14. http://gta.wikia.com/Ricardo_Diaz I'd like to see someone like Diaz again. He was fuckin funny in an asshole kind of way. edit http://gta.wikia.com/Billy_Grey Billy was fuckin awesome too. Such a prick. Funny shit. And completely fucking insane.
  15. I agree with that. But a return of burger shot and cluckin bell is likely. I'd like to see some more piswasser too.
  16. Gtfo, honky. he steals your country name, and my colour. What a fucking honky-ass-thief-jew. Fucking kike-ass-honky.
  18. Ive played the risk video game. I dont know how we are supposed to play this without dice.
  19. DiO


    YAH! I think the one I was talking about was Littlewhitey's.