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Everything posted by DiO

  1. /\ what indy said. whatever tho. I'll be pink, Nation name, Gayland. and I'll start in Iceland. its not on your map there so fucking add it.
  2. DiO


    dam eh cause I know like cyan said, more game modes would have been sweet. one sa mp server i played was kind of an rpg and it saved your stats like your money and what now. there were different thing you can do to make money. forget what. nothing too tedious. it was pretty unrealistic. you could run around and rape people by typing "/rape" when you were near people, they would get stds and shit that would fuck their game up like take health every few minutes and what not. you could also put bounties on peoples head. it was awesome.
  3. DiO


    SA MP was amazing back in the day. did they make an IV:MP?
  4. Well, I eat my words about this being complete bullshit. Whether it is actually gta vehicles or not...the file exists.
  5. The avatar? lmfao. That's the mascot of Iron Maiden. Maiden is old school.
  6. I think its my name that threw you off lol. I made it GTAVIFAN1 to make fun of newbs if you didn't know. It used to be destruction-overdrive and will be pretty soon again probably cause the joke is getting old. also it probably has to do with the fact that I dont proof read shit on the internet. PS im only 22 and used to be really fat
  7. I'm fucking sick of Havana Club. lol
  8. DiO

    PS3 Triangle of Death

    I'd prolly just buy a new one edit but since im broke and jobless right now I realize that was a full of shit statement. try cleaning it first.
  9. DiO

    The Last of Us

    This game is starting to look dam good.
  10. \ Not a lot of metal talk lately. check the new Sabaton really lovin that song
  11. Well I just found out the PC version doesn't come out untill the 29th
  12. add this one maybe lmfao http://www.igta5.com...6348#entry46348
  13. this is a load of crap. I'm going to have Max Payne 3 soon and I bet I dont even find a vehicles.ide. That file he was looking at looks so close to the one from GTA IV. And its incredibly easy to type in whatever you want in that notepad document.
  14. for what it was, it was fun as hell from what I remember. just stupid fun. nothing as epic as a GTA but still.
  15. He choose firestone? what the fuck. wayta choose the most boring trucks in the entire game.
  16. haha yah. best introduction ever.
  17. ha yah im doin pretty good. like i said, i've lost over 70 pounds the past few years. hitting the weights and cardio hard. no so much cardio anymore cause im not a raging fatass but a little bit. I dont do any supplement shit or steroids/carnitine either. I figure I drink too much as it is so my liver doesn't need any extra strain lol.
  18. yah some good burn out would be nice. I remember the mafia 2 demo had a way to do a long burnout then i tried it when i was playing the pc version and it wasnt as good like they changed it or something.that kind of pissed me off.
  20. By that do you mean curls or bench? 20lbs curl, 70lbs bench for me standing twist curl, i can do 65lbs. With fresh arms I can do about 7 reps on each arm. My goal for the end of the year is 70lbs.