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Everything posted by DiO

  1. That was me when I first joined. Then I lost 70lbs
  2. I dont write fuck all down. I just go at it and push myself everytime. I can remember more or less what I did the previous time and I consistently feel results.
  3. oooooooo, i see. lol. yah that'd be rough. I do focus on it pretty good but that's only cause I have a goal to reach for how much I can curl by the end of the year. I do everything tho. Today my tris and shoulder actually hurt pretty good from two days ago. went to cuba for a week so I gotta get back in routine. Usually i only hurt for 1 day.
  4. there's gotta be room somewhere man. I used to do it in my small ass bedroom where my bed, dresser and computer desk took up most of the space. There was a small corner where I would do standing curls, shoulder press and other standing shit. Then I used to lie directly on the floor for benching and stuff. It sucked but was better than nothing. Plus just sit on a chair or on the edge of your bed for seated curls. Dont need a lot of room. but if boxing is your thing then I suppose you couldnt give to much of a shit lol.
  5. The fuck lol. Yah I never got into any MMOs. before skyrim I never really got into rpgs.
  6. I use these. from 5 to 50bls. I really need the attachment that brings them up to 90lbs. but I go to the gym often enough that I havent bothered yet.
  7. pretty much this. play it. cheat. i got both gta iv and sa on pc after having it on console
  8. /\ what i always do. just explore and try all gameplay mechanics too.
  9. A bit of this maybe. It probably has more to do with the artist just trying to get views and taking advantage of the name of GTA. Shameless self-promotion/false advertising.
  10. I have to disagree with the OP but at least this created some decent discussion and effort when into the post unlike most topics from new members. I would change the topic title to "GTA V is going to be a narrative?" the way its stated as a fact kind of bothers me lol.
  11. Ill prolly go for the PC version. my ps3 is busted plus modding the game = win. I might not have won that put your face in the max payne 3 multiplayer, but maybe i can talk duppy into making a D-O mod for MP3 lol.
  12. I thought of starting a new character but decided not to get into it because I have so much fucking school work to do.
  13. Holy fuck Peter Dinklage is an amazing name for a midget. No way that shit is real, lol. Stage name.
  14. its sounds more like speculation passed as fact. Because that scenario is possible. But I think it would be pushed back even further than Dec.
  15. Yah. very interesting character. I never know what to think of him as far as being a "good" guy or "bad" guy. He is against the Starks who I assume most are rooting for. But at the same time he seems to have his own agenda against Joffery who is obviously who we all want to see dead. edit I hope he becomes King and lets the north free. That what I'm predicting anyways. But there are so many other motherfuckers after the crown. Most shows go 1 vs 1 in some kind of conflict. This show is starting to be more like a fatal four way. Its pretty awesome. there, i added to the convo more than just I like the midget.
  16. DiO

    I Am Alive

    I can imagine that the game isn't super long, but for the low price its justifiable. That and it will probably come out with expansion packs or some shit.
  17. Only a fucktard wouldnt see that someone is out. my buddy tried getting out of a choke. got in voluntarily. he wanted to see if he could. he went limp in about 5 seconds. when my other buddy that applied the choke, let him go he flopped to the ground and his head bounced off the cement floor. probably hurt like hell. he was out for maybe 5 seconds after he was let go. but he was clearly passed out. he was fine obviously.