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Everything posted by DiO

  1. That HD mgs3 is snake eater, and not subsistence? gHey.
  2. Too bad I downloaded mine for free from my buddy. I could just log back on to his is get that. Can you download other peoples mods right from steam? get experience and everything from doing them. that would be sick. especially is u could write your own script. throw in a bit of your own voice acting lol. here me at level 52, rocking the 2 followers glitch. My dude is in the middle.
  3. Your original account is still active, assknuckle. haha owned
  4. I've bin lucky enough not to have any quests glitch. I figure the PC version glitches less
  5. Im doing the change-up thing to except with homework, and not another video game.
  6. I found the ending not that hard. Probably should have turned up the difficulty.
  7. Well projects are all due in two weeks so im gonna be a little more busy this next week. am going to get drunk tonight too lol. got fucked up fri and sat too last week lol.
  8. lol. U prolly have more side quests done.
  9. Nah I beat the main dragon story mission. I think I can lay off a bit. got a lot of HW to do.
  10. 90 lol IDK, can that be right?
  11. Whats the jsut cause 2 map look like? who gives a shit how big it is if its all the same shit,
  12. Meh. All it means is ive lost my life.
  13. yah pretty much, im almost there and ive only bin playing about 2 weeks
  14. To get that high all your skills need to be at 100. I looked it up. The soft cap means at level 50, you don't level up at fast. It takes more experience to get a new level. So Im saying ull be unable to get perks as fast. So If I have good enchanting and smithing I can boost all my shit and focus on other skills later.
  15. So I made up a full thing of daedric Armour but it wasn't as good as my ebony because of my smiting potion i used when i made the ebony made it retarded strong. gonna wait till i get more of that AND untill I can enchant better smithing clothing. by then I will probably use that for dragon Armour and give the deadric to my follower. lvl 40 now. smithing is like 97. gonna hit the soft cap soon. wanna hit up enchanting hard so I can get better weapons and not reply of the skill perks. that or should I focus on the perks like heavy Armour working better?
  16. I'm basically good in bed. 1. ben 5160 up, 2377 down a guy who's amazing at giving women head. A true cunninglinguist. long tongue, skill, not afraid to get wet behind the ears, etc. Girl 1: "Hey, did you get what you wanted from your man last night?" Girl 2: "Damn right I did, I got that and more. My man is a true ben" and he's a great kisser and will stay wih you when your feeling lonley ben is the best i have ever had lose lostinator losing lost loser by ben cheeseham Jan 7, 2008 share this add a video 2. Ben 4409 up, 2252 down One who has insanely large cock. Probably the most awesome person ever, and every girl thinks he is sexy. Is good at many things, and very original. Not a poser in any way shape or form. Oh...no thats not a parade, they are just following Ben. ben benjamin benjo benenese bj by Ben Kodiak Jun 17, 2008 share this add a video 3. Ben 2467 up, 1419 down Ben is the undiscovered hottie. All the girls love him, and all the guys wanna be him. also used for the common word beast and/or sexy 1 Dude, shaquille o'neil is such a fucking ben 2 Did you see what that chick wuz wearing, it was totally ben hottie beastly sexy awsome the best by Enricho May 28, 2008 share this add a video 4. Ben 2066 up, 1262 down A truly amazing guy. Super cool and fun to be around. He looks super hot in anything he puts in(including nothing) and is the best kisser. Though he is an amazing person he often chooses bad choices for girlfriends but that will change! Ben over there looks so fine today!!!!I just wish he would get over that ugly bitch!
  17. nah. i want to keep my game more cereal for now.
  18. I don't believe quest items actually add any weight to your inventory. I'm pretty sure they do. they all go in mics category. Yesterday I stole some chemistry set looking thing from the college of winterhold. it weighted 2 so i wanted to drop it. it then said i can drop quest items. so i stole something for a quest I havent started yet lol.
  19. They do 15 points of base damage (not sure how much it is for other races, but it feels much lower when I'm in a fistfight), but there's a heavy armor perk that has your gloves do their armor rating in damage (e.g., 25 armor = 25 unarmed damage), and there's a guy in the Ratway in Riften who has the Gloves of the Pugilist, which adds 10 damage to unarmed attacks. With enchanting, you can destroy the gloves to learn the enchantment, which can then be placed on any gloves. So, thanks to all that, my Khajiit (who is only in steel armor at this point) is doing more damage with his bare hands than any of the heavily armed enemies he's run into so far. He'll never have to use any weapons, except for the occasional arrow to get a high-flying dragon's attention.