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Everything posted by DiO

  1. The remastered version is basically for console players who never had a good enough PC to run the game the first time around. If I never played it on PC, I probably would get it. I did enjoy Skyrim. I prefer fallout however.
  2. Man them dogs were hungry. Fuck that was brutal. In an awesome way.
  3. Fuckin right man. The night had a really good aesthetic. I'll probably have pics tonight, and a montage on the weekend. You can make 140 second videos now for twitter so that is pretty tits.
  4. I never ended up making the photo op job. I wanted to many a shanty town on the water. Yesterday I worked late, got home, watched game of thrones and went to bed. Nemo, you got anything like that? lol.
  5. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I am still going to buy it, but I am going to wait for the stunts DLC so I can decide what character will get what car.
  6. for the sake of getting pics that might actually look like waterwold, I may make a fuck around job tonight we can launch after the first playlist. Maybe keep the fucking around in free-roam to a minimum so people don't get burnt out on just dicking around. How many people have Tugs?
  7. I'd prefer new jobs in playlist 1, rather than 2. Long ass barge is old. More people are usually around for playlist 1. Tug job is probably better with more players in list 1. Aquabox is fine with less people. It's very close quarters as it is. thanks for stepping us a the list maker Dup.
  8. Jobs from randoms? no thanks. new from bones https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/igrandtheftauto/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/UyktWA-AMkKXGUTemadTFQ# new from me https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/igrandtheftauto/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/S2ZU41hgwUyP6QLd2bnWwQ# https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/igrandtheftauto/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/793XcufqJkONRPi6llRKPQ# https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/igrandtheftauto/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/793XcufqJkONRPi6llRKPQ# For sure play this one from Otiz, Death by divebomb with seasharks https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/four20_vagabond_mc/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/4AzKyPdeFEuFaPVhVnvrWQ# old from me deathmatch https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/yVGdEBjD1UWPqJwUqHmbZQ# possible intermission https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/yVGdEBjD1UWPqJwUqHmbZQ# deathmatch https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/yVGdEBjD1UWPqJwUqHmbZQ# capture https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/yVGdEBjD1UWPqJwUqHmbZQ# race https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/my-jobs# for only 8 people https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/my-jobs# old from ikillyou https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/four20_vagabond_mc/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/mqX_Jgm8x0inN07WEAQ2SA# old ones from otiz https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/four20_vagabond_mc/games/gtav/ps4/jobs# https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/four20_vagabond_mc/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/AMrfh9loREGG81J3TMjwwQ
  9. Kevin Costner is ready for next week's theme
  10. Here is my montage. Just a twitter upload. My shit is going to be 30 seconds. I dig the format. Got a lot of beat hits. Turned out pretty epic.
  11. Are you sure you don't want to make it me shooting you in the face? edit Fuck I am going to be spending a lot of time in the creator this next week. I got ideas for 3 jobs on top of the one I already made for water night. Probably a good thing considering there aren't many water jobs from out crew to begin with. edit 4 job ideas. I's about time I make Figs: Water. Do sea races have the ability to put down rockets?
  12. It was. We tried to do your Terminus job near the end. You were too drunk to give and/or take directions so we kinda gave up. Then you got mad at us for not being team players and being unorganized lol. Not MAD mad. Just...kinda annoyed. The first playlist was spot on. The second was still pretty good despite a few old jobs that need updating. Dup, for sure update the thunderdome. It is a cool race. The ramps are just janky. I don't know what you can do about this, but I few times I got hung up on stair cases or fences while coming off ramps. Thanks for making the lists too. it's pretty nice not making a playlist in the night. Taking a ride in BMX's shit mobile Bones follows Chasing down the brickade, I ended up doing some video of this so I didn't bother to get many pics My new figure 8 race. Weev getting air lots of criss-cross Carhenge; Me killing BMX through the bus North ( i think ) gets weev Sticky bombs and BF injections in Dup's job: Dust Devils. Hey Bones, see that sticky bomb? and who is that coming from the other direction? I don't know but you can have this Bones wipes out trying to get me near the end of his capture before I deliver the Brickade. This job is cool. Bones, instead of changing the delivery car, try moving the delivery point further away. Gtagrl and north have no idea what is about to happen This Dup's machete match Big Boss even showed up My capture. I decided to shoot this gas container. I figured I may get lucky That I did. I didn't even see them, but it took out North and Big Boss Hi Jizzy Ace, I don't know why you started to ride the cruiser because this happened thunderdome Me and Weev during Nemo's plane crash snap job. Jizzy decided to end the peace right before the job was ending poor Weev. That looks like it hurt Don't worry Weev, I avenged you The theme was a success. I filmed a few clips and will probably edit a short montage this weekend.
  13. DiO


    Very strange. Just now it seemed I was killing mutants as fast as I used to. But now they are taking lots of damage. Maybe I just happen to run into a few wussy supermutant overlords in a row - edit Finally got my rifle perks. I'm hoping one of my legendary rifle's I held on too from a bit ago are as overpowered as Bone's shotgun. I got a "shoot an additional projectile" level action rifle. I think I just bought that in Far Harbour. I noticed depending on the stock you have on your rifle, it changes the amount of AP it uses in VATS. You can have a .50 cal hunting rifle with a short stock and it doesn't use near as much as a scoped full stock sniper rifle. Not sure if the scope effects VATS and AP.
  14. If some people have duneloaders we can have people standing on them with an RPG. Kinda like those grenade staffs I guess har har
  15. Hey Bones, you can put the brickade down. it's under service vehicles new job for the list https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/OAJjQgr-dUebaRxEwJNMqw others that look end of worldly https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/PJDHAA4oVkqjJ6adVYigFA this one kinda. Deathmatch only. last we played it TDM and one team only spawned in the water. That shouldn't happen as a deathmatch. https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/89A74cazGUOcbOnty70c1Q others https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/vuSM3bkS_0SMXoL9rh_rDA# https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/jobs/job/0beGwOSk0EmvNmKR_fgw7A# Dibbs on not making the playlist We could do what bones said, maybe cross the desert in off roaders following a brickade to reenact mad max. We could also touch on zombies.
  16. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Well Vice, if changing your nat type to 3 works for stopping you from joining people, this is the by-yourself dlc. try it edit Also, normal VIP missions very well. Just do that
  17. Screwing around with the crew colours again for one of a kind colours. some aren't all that different but different they are got this when I forgot how dark you need to make the crew colour because they appear almost twice as bright on cars. It was ugly so I put it on a faggio
  18. DiO


    I wanted it for PC but I work at a computer desk everyday so there was no way in hell I was going to do it even more for all the hours I wanted to log into fallout
  19. The night really never got in full swing to be fair. Not in the usual sense. Good times were had regardless. Sooo. I didn't save any clips. Here is a video from Dup's ski slope last week however
  20. DiO


    I know that much. The melee weapon is actually a good idea. Kill told me it was his followers that it was working for too. I asked him twice if he meant settlers. Probably was a glitch. What ever, when mods come out I am sure I will find a followers unlimited ammo. I like having a follower for the sake of having a follower but they honestly don't do much. Especially if I am trying to sneak. Lone Wanderer is a better option.
  21. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    It's highly unlikely I am going to bother with the office shit. The new cars are pretty cool. The Rumpo is easily my favourite.
  22. Maybe. I feel like a lot of people would forget or not update the job after the fact with the name tag. Names should be fine so we could at least search all of one persons jobs in a row
  23. DiO


    So like my earlier complaints, they for sure made sneaking harder. I'm spotted much easier now. It's ok; I just back track a bit to get hidden. Im investing in rifle perks. My bolt action pipe pistol doesn't cut it anymore. The only thing is my followers seem more proactive in shooting at enemies even when Im only in caution. Maybe with this character I'm just used to having Deacon. The fallout wiki said he is the least likely to give away your position. I seriously want to tell Nick to fuck off but he is important in the far harbour story. Also, Ikillyou told me if you give your follower a weapon, and 1 ammo round for it, as long as it uses same ammo as their base gun they will have unlimited rounds. Anyone else find that? I tried that and it didn't work. I will try it again when I find a gun worth giving Nick. Maybe they updated it to work properly. Or maybe that was a glitch that ikillyou was getting and it isn't supposed to be like that. I googled and some people claimed the same thing. it was a bit hard to find a straight answer. One person said as long at it was the exact gun it would work. Like give Cait and upgraded double barrel shot gun and it will work. Someone else said that didn't even work for them