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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    fuck the office. I want to hang out in a dank ass warehouse
  2. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    IV's driving was more realistic. At first I didn't like it in V, however if V had the old driving we would never be able to do the stunt races.
  3. Weev's race Gtagrl, you're going the wrong way Weev up front Me and Bones He didn't make the next bit lul Skee Car...Ball. Just trying to help Gtagrl respawn Im about to give BMX a clothesline from hell *gives With the backflip Intermission Death by Beachbumb Will cheech get me? ...No. Will Bones? ....No. ..Shortly after, North did. Death Run. Hey ikillyou, I hate to break it to you but... ..yeah. See you later bud Not sure who this is as I was on the ground team, but you're outta here Got tripped by the train; didn't die I can't say the same about Dup and ikillyou Ski Slope North got dropped from the lobby, but for some reason his character was standing on foot at the starting grid to get run over by everyone You can tell Gtagrl's pants match her lawnmower a lot better when she is actually sitting on it. Here's where Cheech landed upside down, blew up his mower and survived. I even landed on his body I passed there for the win. He managed to survive me landing on him, and he ran to the finish on foot for 2nd place. got a video for later of the ski slope. A lot of funny shit went down in 2 minutes. My filming of it blows anus chunks though because as anyone knows, trying to use the free camera while moving fast is an ass pain. it always gets reset. End for now
  4. don't apologize. I found it funny as fuck so its all good.
  5. DiO


    True Bones, you probably don't really need too after having a good stock built up. I find myself doing less of that too. However I do have 5 characters with separated inventories so I kind of have to still on some characters. I don't know who Grun is so.... *doesn't watch vine Anyone find it's fucking impossible to sneak around in far harbour? Maybe it's that I haven't played much in the commonwealth on the new very hard difficulty, but I can't sneak for shit like I used too. I end up in full on combat which my first character is not set up for. So he kinda sucks now. It's kinda pissing me off.
  6. LOL, that's true. I'd still rename any job you give a fuck about Bones. You don't have that many. I got halfway through my jobs yesterday. Tagged DO- who else makes jobs? Nemo, Weev ( as of now ), Casey, gtagrl, Kuz, Jason, Ace.
  7. You more than anyone to be honest lmfao. Mr Million Jobs over here.... best thing is you can edit job titles and you don't have to test them. it really down take that long
  8. K, back. https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/Ayreon01/games/gtav/jobs/job/X01k1GI33E6HwRh4cB5-oA?platformId=11 http://rsg.ms/dd82ca5 edit I was just thinking we should all do something we should have started a long time ago that would make play list markers lives WAY fucking better. The shit that BMX and north already do. Put a tag at the beginning of their jobs. So we can basically browse jobs in order of creator. I never have a hard time finding BMX's job. Never. I'd go as far as to say make it a forum rule for creators. It would save a LOT of headaches. Especially when it comes to making theme playlists. Making theme playlists suck a lot more.
  9. list 1 looks good looks perfect with the new jobs. nice one. I'd add a fuck around intermisson in the list. Nemo said his race it 10 minutes long so the list is going to be pretty lengthy. weev's looks a bit long too. And I have to assume your crawler is going to make people say "FUCK" a lot edit im gonna make an intermission lol brb
  10. DiO


    fuck you and your amazing building layouts
  11. the playlist making for next week was just being a dick bag. Odds are im not making lists
  12. lol the gun bunts. I'm editing my zap job right now. I will just make it a fuck around. see all those people just stroll across the zappers...it just doesn't work well enough. Roadrash With Bones This was probably the best nose manny I've ever done. I was going to upload the clip but fuck it...Im gonna make a short montage The bus jump Fanboy Nemo and Bones Collide Man the melee animations look shit. Gave up trying to find a good pic here. Me and weev killing fanboy in slasher mode Wall of gaping ass Our quads made it farther than me and weev did. Gtagrl didn't exactly try the wallride Here I nudged Nemo on to the platform Here's Bones fucking him over shortly after end
  13. It was too easy to blow up the tanker. I suggested to try and use the turreted limo. Even an insurgent would work pretty well as it would take many nades. you could try moltovs and just shooting the tanker. see what it takes for that to blow it up.
  14. Dup you got a couple new ones but shall we save those for water night?
  15. Nick for instance just had his shower to get off the blood and guts, then the next time you see him he found Travis and Chris, but he is covered in blood again. lmfao.
  16. Anyone else feel that last episode was 2 different episodes rushed together? There has to be a ton of deleted scenes.
  17. Oh When I was all "I KNOW UR THERE" Fucking appear offline boy over here
  18. DiO


    Anyone get Dalton Farm yet? Fuck sake I took it off very hard for that shitstorm.
  19. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I really hope the stunt stuff has different liveries. I don't want all stunt races to look all 'Murian.
  20. Lol I saw you messaged me yesterday from that account as I was turning off my ps4 to go to bed. I tried to find the message to respond but it never popped up. PS iGTgay Blue, lul.
  21. I shall be there. WIll do on the capture front. Plenty to choose from
  22. DiO


    I think they made very hard...harder. My deliverer seems to do half the damage. I kinda like it. Except when all I want to do is build at my new settlement in Far Harbour when they send a fuck load of Gulpers over to fuck with my shit. I can't even just unload on them with my fat man because my settlers are fucking retards and they are right on the beach where the Gulpers are coming from so I end up killing them all. Enough Fallout for me today. Also my sneak attached has been nurfed. I'm only getting 4.8 times damage. I used to get 6.5 with Deacon's perk, full ninja and sandman. The fuck? Far Harbour is fucking awesome though. The new enemies are badass
  23. ha nice clips Here's my last one of Hardsauce https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/734016160006602752
  24. DiO


    Its pretty fucking dumb with the limit they have on what can be ballistic weave and what can't