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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis? DiO has photos of your brains being blown out, you getting crushed by a plane, and you being clotheslined FROM HELL. Ya! I kicked your ass on Tuesday. edit Here's a clip of my diving board on Fuck Around island. https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/733475905289486338
  2. For starters, Here is BMX perfecting the loop in Caddy Capture 2 video - https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/733127198643736576 got some more clips for later I think we can all agree this car is the shit This one too? Tumbling Nemo? He seems pretty stoked about falling on his ass This weeks headshots brought to you by Kuz and....Jaime? All you fucking white people look the same These sum up Robot Dick Hey Emz.... This is what you get for picking a Sanchez FUCK YOU MERCY FUCK YOU BMX! FUCK YOU KUZ! CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! Emz's triple kill on Mercy, Cheech and some other white guy. I looked around the clip. I have NO god dam idea where Emz was when she threw this grenade I did find BMX going off the ramp And I was there to flip them off Mashing Kuz in the Death by Divebumb ( not a typo ) Bro, do you even pretzel? FUCK YOU WEEV Life's Still a Beach. i got dropped and never finished this race. Figs Beach I love shooting behind me. That's all for now I also fixed under the pier mercy mentioned their team was only spawning in the water. That is kind of shit so I bumped down the amount of allowed players and put the the description deathmatch only. No teams. Hopefully in a free for all everyone spreads out nicely.
  3. nah the water thing is for sure a theme in itself. I think that would be good.
  4. change the logo and change it back. Or copy the logo, make sure there is no background and republish it. That might work. edit Kuz, I got your races. Thanks for updating life's still a beach even though it fucked up on you once. That was brutal. It's in playlist 2.
  5. Our logo has a white background and looks stupid. I don't know why that happened. It did it on one of my shirt lulz emblems as well. Be careful with this one. The melee is only so good in the game. It's a lot of mashing circle and de-synced animations. They are fun but after a couple of jobs I think it would get stale.
  6. Nice, lets hit that shit up. I think Dup and goose still play. I can get ikillyou in too im sure.
  7. So this game is pretty dam fun. I was against getting it because of the shystie DLC issues. But getting it for free I can't complain. Any tips for a newb? Should I sell guns, or dismantle them for parts? How often did you all end up buying guns from the vendors? If anyone is down to play, hit me up on psn. I'm only level 4 however. If any of you have a 2nd character you want to play as a low level, lets do it up.
  8. Here's cheech getting hit by the train in death run https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/731105180511522816 Some good clips this week.
  9. Here's Weev getting smashed on Death by Derpbomb https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/730756495948849152
  10. Will Ghostman make the vertical tunnel? No... ..He wont. Incoming Dupbomb via Ghostman Kaboom VENGEANCE! Death By Derpbomb, Dup goes in for the kill Missed mashing Weev. Got a video coming later Will North stick the landing? ...No. He didn't die however Headshot on BMX number 1 number 2 lmfao Cheech gets mashed by the train while sniping in a deathrun. Video coming later hatchet high When I knocked Bones off his bike in a race ON PURPOSE The Skybox End! Really good night. Good theme idea Kuz. Wayta not show up for your own theme.
  11. So my boss just gave me this game.....
  12. lmfao Man I was laughing pretty hard at the fact my bag couldn't be delivered in my fly around job. Jamie was running around with that bag for so long. I'll put in the description to keep it to time limit. I think that will work well. The other highlight was Nemo not knowing what to do in at the end of the polinko LTS.
  13. I made a thing. I say once we get everyone assembled we just launch this instead of trying to do airplane bullshit in freeroam. http://rsg.ms/7836c31
  14. DiO


    I'd need to do their quest for them. If I just kill them and recruit my own settler it will cut out a lot of walking time.
  15. DiO


    I going to get local leader early on so I can at least store all my junk in each settlement. I will likely be a bit of a murder just to take over settlements faster, Negan style. I am going to try and always carry junk to make a power source and a recruitment beacon. I feel like having every settlement linked is going to be very important in this mode. I'll likely build the recruitment beacon, just wait a day there for a settler to come, make them a supplier then shut off the recruiter. It will be a pain in the ass however having to defend the settlements when you can't fast travel. I'm not sure how this plan will work out but I think it will be ok.
  16. Should be a good night. If no dlc is announced upcoming after beach bum night, we could always just push up crew blue a week earlier and see what happens.
  17. lists. got the beach bum ones started too. Probably wont make lists in advance anymore because I just realized I might have to remove a lot of these because they are only for 16 people. Too many old jobs. Here is a list with NO new jobs, so if people are going to do one early before usual crew time, do this one https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/playlists/playlist/OFy1fkPC6ECYwPuUpOLKSA others https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/playlists/playlist/AQrp0s2k90-xd6-6T-SR0Q https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/playlists/playlist/SU2ey857kkOsNc-u4HMsVA Got beach bums started. We might need more beach death matches https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/playlists/playlist/Fiwav4doOEWXfKK86v23HA https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/ps4/playlists/playlist/ppKVrDjQJUmPcX0awtsTxg edit also, I think someone mentioned it. But here is another pilot idea
  18. some fucking around with otiz, ikillyou and kuz It ended badly for everyone Video. Just as the rest of the VIP crew dropped off the hostile take over package https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/729319171620769792
  19. psh, says you you'd just be a copy cat. COPY CAT! edit Ok, glitch a cat mask with that hat and I'd have to agree lmfao.
  20. We could all at least try and dress like pilots. There is limited shit to do that tho. Either way ya I don't really give much of a shit. Amelia is awesome lol
  21. DiO


    I think R2 does.
  22. Haha Yah. That is true. Did you get anything from when before my time zone came on? I'd like to see some of that. PS was only joking about the 1 clip thing. I already got Amelia ready for next week