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Everything posted by DiO

  1. other bike races have jumps, downhill runs, and stunts It was kinda funny how hard it was to pass anyone with those shitty cruiser bikes.
  2. DiO


    shit they She shouldn't die. I know Carla wont die. In other weird news...one of my settlers helped themselves to one of my suits of power armour. I didn't mind until it got a bit destroyed from an attack. I took the pieces from them but I couldn't get them out of the power armour frame. Even weirder...One of Lucas Miller's (traveling armour merchant ) caravan guards helped themselves to my raider power armour. I couldn't get them out of it. Seriously, what the fuck? I might pretty up my fence later, but here is are some concrete walls. Pretty quick and easy to put up. https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/721144761537720321
  3. Ya I am not crazy about that race. It's just a lot of mashing X on a shitty bike. Fuck the theme playlist wise. There will be enough freeroam fuckery.
  4. Nah Cinco is always funny. Throw that in. Plus I have a character now that can totally look Meheecan. I was trying to think of a job for Hippies. I got nothing.
  5. DiO


    You can sink the wallks in the ground quite nicely. And they allow a bit of clipping. Concrete fence coming right up.
  6. Fucking selfies lol. Anyway, the next two themes look pretty sick. We should try and make some new hippy jobs. I think I deleted my last one. We could probably come up with some better stuff than we did last time. To be honest I wasn't feeling it on a lot of those jobs. I say pull the trigger on Kuz's altitude night idea on the calender. Hell, the transvestite night sounds funny too. Throw them both on the calender
  7. DiO


    Had a look at some of the new stuff. I couldn't comitt a lot of time to building anything so I just did what bones did and built a Cat cage. Stuff looks pretty dam cool tho. So if you get the animal friend perk....you can get a pet deathclaw with one of them beta wave emitters?
  8. I was poking fun a triplestack and Gtagrl for using the phone camera but Bones chined in that he uses it too so I said well fine I'll take a shitty selfy. here it is Akuma Rodeo 3 stages of Hell Gtagrl, lmfao Into the unkown I think it was Goosey. No idea how he got this air I monstertruck over mercy I wish I got more clips from Skybox. Here's the first explosion Grapeseed Injection Crew Cars Sticky Bombs jousting with Bones Bones coming in with Cheech's wreck from the turn before Bombs away Gotcha Gtagrl gets a couple of kill I get BMX Auto Sumo North eats shit Fin
  9. DiO


    Holy Ultra Jet, that is easily the coolest Hangman's Alley build I've ever seen. Nice work DiO. Base game? My BOS Alley is just a vegetable starch farm, dope maker, and power armor station..... half dozen nekid girls running around. Yah man, I'm playing on PS4. Thanks dude. I will probably get the PC version eventually. LOL and yah, I only have chicks there. It's my lesbian colony. My character and Kate totally scissor.
  10. lmfao the old man riding bitch. K Bones, make the next topic.
  11. DiO


    I have red rocket all to myself on my lone wanderer idiot savant character. It's pretty cool but I like having crops to grow vegetable starch. I have been thinking about replacing a lot of the settlers on my third character with robots. The only problem with that is I don't know if they will produce water from the water pumps. I noticed without settlers, the water pumps don't produce purified water in your workshop. Also, don't put dirty water in your work shop. It will get purified. And you need it for a couple of useful recipes.
  12. DiO


    I don't know man. I think I did pretty good. Very crammed in. I made a 2 floor thing all across the alley. And a 3rd floor at one part. Most of my 18 settlers have their own cubby to sleep in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31mTC9Rtz8I And here's my brotherhood red rocket. Mostly just built here because I did not go for local leader. I probably will post another red rocket after that dlc comes out. My non local leader characters are stuck there. It's just too convenient of a place to have without local leader. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNpHj_ZV26k Nothing spectacular but I do have both wired up with power. Building at hangmans alley is a huge pain in the add but I got the buildings connected pretty good.
  13. DiO


    Otiz told me he had frame rate issues on his island but I think he did that glitch about 5 times.
  14. DiO


    what I do is store weapons in the workshop. Take them out. Drop them on the ground. Then when they are on the ground, go to create mode and press circle to store them again. When you store them, I guess it's thinking you are deleting something. I found that the bigger the weapons, the more it will bring down the limit. In a few minutes you can put it back to 0.
  15. DiO


    The limit is annoying but at least the glitch to lower it is easy as fuck and doesn't really take that long.
  16. DiO


    I gotta do that with my Hangmans alley.
  17. LE VIDEOS When BMX was stuck stuck to my car in the blackhole https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/717889887115018245 And when I killed everyone in Ammunation: Firesale https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/717890419967844352 Taking out a lost member FIRE Fucked up Fanboy in front? Only way to get your camera across the shooting range line is to use the front cam. Free cams had an invisible wall. Lame Killing Everyone Bones, you're going the wrong way The Goosinator? Got run over by Fanboy THEN Goose. I forget who knocked me off my bike in the first place....unlucky Chopper vs Copter. This was too close When Cheech started the fire BMX glued to my car Baiting BMX out of his car It worked Fin.
  18. DiO


    There are a few settlements with not a lot on them. Country crossing, Northagen Beach, that island I think. I haven't bin to the island yet.
  19. DiO


    Lol Nah man, Artis Tadam Kills a lot of people he meets right away. I'm not bothering with local leader so I am not actively searching for settlements but I have taken out a few I passed by. He seemed a good fit for the institute ending as he didn't put much value in the lives of the commonwealth people. I've been revisiting old characters finally. My Grundy WIlson ( The unarmed fighter I was complaining about earlier ) continues to waste perks. Went with science to try out the power armour with Tesla Bracers. They kinda suck. Especially compared to the Power Fist I got from Swan. I'm going to roll with intelligence however. The Automatron DLC doubled the value of intelligence. I already have blacksmith so I am going to attempt to make a stealth robot with that stealth blade. I'm not sure how well that will work but I will let you all know. I'd wear the robot armour if there were legendary ones dropped but so far I haven't seen any. Fuck, if your going add new armour, at least make that shit have legendary loot drops.
  20. Ya Zombie night would be easier to pull off.
  21. ya maybe should have kept it 1 on 1 so votes dont spread out so much
  22. I get the point of cliff hangers but that was bull shit. I'm just gonna say they are sticking to what happened in the comic in my own brain so I know what happened. On the bright side, new characters and some familiar faces. I was pretty stoked on that.