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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Don't make me make a 4th account named Tom Foolery.
  2. DiO


    I think a serial killer would be a good play through for survival mode. The easiest way to take over a settlement is to kill everyone. Fuck doing their bullshit quest and walking across the map just to return and get their support. Fuck them up. The settlement is yours.
  3. Exactly lmfao We will play them the next week. I might make a job tonight too. Not theme related but it should be cool.
  4. Im probably going to half ignore the theme for playlists and put in new shit. I forgot to throw in one of casey's new ones last week.
  5. vote for yourself is just so all of our votes cancel each other out. That takes care of anyone pretending to null meanwhile they could of actually voted for them-self.
  6. Cheech said he didnt want to be seen with an old man in his underwear so I saved the clips Dozy and I glitch out Fuck typing more shit
  7. Not overly because if someone happen to play it with 30 people there wouldn't be enough cars at the spawn. Team 4 already doesn't have enough. I may add the flare gun so you could kill yourself easier.
  8. DiO


    try going in the create mode and press square on her. That is how you send normal settlers to different places
  9. Hey Vysno, Make sure you are in the iGTA crew http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/igrandtheftauto You can view members from your pause menu and join from there. We will be in a crew lobby. If you don't have iGTA active, you wont be able to join.
  10. No BS no filter pics to show off the car. Everyone post at least one like that.
  11. DiO


    Here where I am glad to have so many characters. Some of them I likely wont bother with this DLC. Bones, You might beat this before me lol. I'm in his lair too. Not sure if it ends there.
  12. DiO


    My brotherhood character suits it well. I think it's fucking awesome lol. And my other characters that I have blacksmith for can still make wicked melee robots. Only my sneaking gunslinger and sneaking sniper girl probably wont use a robot much. I was really into it and my power went out for about 4 hours. fucking ice storm. I am just realizing how awesome robot expert is. Any robot you can just shut down? holy fuck. For some reason I never realized that. Probably because my brotherhood character is the only one I have who has high enough intelligence to have that perk.
  13. Bones loves lamp Fanboy matches the painting Roller Coaster Scooter Coaster B Bones, Dup, Casey Casey eats shit I gun butt Dup parachute jump Dups capture, Gtagrl dying Casey, Me Bones, Fanboy Goose? Killing Dup. Then Me Dup Parkour
  14. lmfao ya sure why not. Next theme. DONKS whose up? EDIT edited the rules a bit. Just post your pics for the competition here. IDK why I insisted on getting pm'd the pics. I guess so people saw all the cars all at once. It's how the dude from gta forums did it. But that was a pain in my ass. Fuck 1 on 1 also. I will make a poll in a week. Whoever posts shit will get included. PS I lol'd at my hatred for pimp my ride in the OP.
  15. DiO


    I am stoked for the DLC but I've beaten the main story 5 times start to finish over my 5 characters (plus side quests) . I can stand to wait another day so I can show up for igta night. Shit, I haven't played fallout in days just so I enjoy the DLC a bit more.
  16. At some point We will have to do some kind of party at my place here. it is 80's as fuck. I'm not sure if anyone else has this apartment. Also, playlists already made so I don't have to fuck around while everyone else is having fun. That always drives me nuts. I will probably make them the day before more often. That being said, post your Jackass jobs Monday or I might not feel like putting them in a list next week. You've been told. Jason, I already bookmarked yours.