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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO


    I'm seeing if I can skip some early main story quests on my 4th play-through.
  2. ya it was the construction cabins. Looked like you tried to make a sniper nest out of them. They aren't climbable. Other than that, it was good. The point blank sniper battle Casey and Gtagrl had was hilarious. If one busted out the knife they probably would have won. Tip for next time ladies
  3. DiO


    Fucking awesome. I really assumed I was just being paranoid but I really hope this is true. Who, X6-86 or whatever the fuck number courser. It's true. I read it, and tired it lol.
  4. Went through my clips pretty fast this week. I'm not really feeling spending a lot of time in the editor anymore
  5. I'll make the playlists according to region. We can put on team desert camo, and I'll throw in jobs in the desert. Then playlist 2, forest camo. Other teams, just whatever terrorist outfit. Maybe have them all wear the same category mask and outfit. hockey masks and a heist jumpsuit for example. Keep it simple edit I will mix in whatever the fuck races, can't really do tank races
  6. Bonsey, ya better make that next topic with your expected outfits, breh.
  7. DiO


    Did the institute ending...dam that didn't feel right. Mostly cause I never made the right character for it. Nick and Piper let me have it lmfao dam. Reloaded. Might go any play through the minute men stuff on that save file. Started a black dude. Called him Samuel L Jackson. Codsworth called me Mr. Jackson. lmfao. Seems they have a number of names programmed in.
  8. gonna have to look at that if you pop by crew night again? ......fuck sakes
  9. DiO


    Shit, I was told all that stuff stacks. It must not. Maybe the actual defense does, but now the perks and mods? I'm really not crazy about power armour to begin with to be honest.
  10. Theres always weekends to man. Maybe just not the official IGTA night
  11. DiO


    I stumbled upon that crash but never saw the crash coming from the sky. Every-time I am looking in the wrong direction. My last play through I was at hangmans alley so I couldn't see shit over all the buildings. This time I don't think it's happened yet. But I have no idea.
  12. DiO


    keep in mind this has to be only the first wave of dlc. Bethesda did like what, 3 different major storyline dlcs for NV and Fo3 per game. Im figuring there will be more.
  13. DiO


    dam, Far harbour is almost the same price AS the season pass
  14. Ya hopefully you stop having those issues before next week. The night ended a bit earlier but we have a good turn out. For those who were there when I left, I forgot we weren't in party chat and couldn't say bye or anything lol.
  15. for sure dude. I don't know why they havent
  16. DiO


    lmfao god dam dude, I've bin there One thing I look forward to seeing is how mods are implemented for fallout 4 on console. How many come out and how stable the game will be. Hopefully they will be enough to keep me going so I dont have to get the PC version, and not have to fuck around with a mod manager.
  17. DiO


    I just realized my latest character build makes no fucking sense. The god dam ninja perk doesn't cover unarmed weapons. I figured it did. I don't know why it took me so long to realize that. So I probably am just going with the brotherhood for sure now. I could sink points into melee but that makes my goals for the character VERY delayed. Fuck sakes Either I go melee, and waste perks that way. or upgrade my intelligence so I can add good unarmed mods to power amour. If i do that then all my ninja and sneaking perks were a waste of time. Unarmed is kinda shit as I am realizing in the long run. There are barely any options for weapons. You rarely find legendary weapons for them. I'd say dont bother
  18. lmfao oh. the cool story bro thing is supped to be a sarcastic meme.
  19. here's my drift job we have to play next week. Not a race. Don't try to follow the arrows. Just stick to the road. Use the respawns to set up for another drift with an undamaged car. Drift and take pics. http://rsg.ms/a247209 Just took some quick clips while testing. No filters used. the lighting is pretty decent. Im mostly intending on getting pics from the opposite angle as these so you don't see the lights. but i wanted to show they are there. Corner 1 Corner 2 Corner 3 Grandstands at corner 2 if you want a good vantage point to save clips of everyone passing by. Plus you can cheer on for effect. I also illuminated a fruit stand after corner 2 for hardly any reason but... Grandstand and other shit at corner 3 After corner 3, there is this tire wall I ended it here for a possible location for car meet ups, and to make the race long enough to publish Got lights at the end of the parking lot too
  20. DiO


    I gots the new vegas for PC. I cant go back after playing fallout 4 tho. If they did something like that for 4. oooooo on this playthrough I just discovered that these are pretty easy to make http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Grape_Mentats_%28Fallout_4%29 +5 charisma. Add you wearing the suit you get from rex, you do NOT need high charisma at all to pass any checks. Unless you want the perks in that tree