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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO


    I found Nick, Deacon and Piper at least like it when I pick a lock as long as it's not in diamond city or something. Like boxes and shit at raider camps/super mutant places ect. I've found myself arming a lot of my settlers now that I know you only need to give them 1 ammo for a weapon. I feel like im playing with barbies kinda. Dressing them all up and shit. GAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
  2. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    No Are you shitting me? Man rockstar is shit with their car classes. Make a tuner class for low end sports, and a stock car class for these livery fuckers.
  3. DiO


    just farm a place that has a lot of locks to pick or computers to hack. A good bit of followers like that shit.
  4. DiO


    that's kinda why I am not getting my characters much past level 70. I've dont most of the quests on both of them so far. It's then time to make a new character. I'd rather do that then keep doing the repeatable missions they have. So far both my characters still kinda suck in a face to face battle. I usually have to use the syringer if a deathclaw is coming at me.
  5. My two cents on the arguing: Anyways, here are my pics. Got a bunch from Death my divebomb I don't feel like going through now. Maybe this weekend... Banner for next weeks theme?
  6. dope. I will for sure put some of those in next weeks playlist again. They were good.
  7. DiO


    thats a bug? Well fuck now I don't like it lol. O well, my vats gunslinger is still a kick ass build. So Melee is bugged? I planned on doing a melee character too really soon. Well fuck. I looked it up and only suggestion I saw was stick to rank 4. I'll just wait. I wanted to do a sneak melee character that wears the baseball uniform and uses a swatter. I thought that shit would be funny. I'll just do my 4th character idea. Unarmed fighter and power armour - brotherhood play through.
  8. If I have to, I will take pills to chill my headache. It was better but this weekend i played to much fallout and its back a bit. Not bad tho. Hope work tomorrow dont make it worse.
  9. DiO


    Anyone of you see anything like this yet? https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/691771701353418752 I've gotten it twice. The waterpump that is pumping with no one there. It doesn't stop. It's happened twice. I end up having to scrap it cause the noise gets annoying. Anyways, Here are my characters and what is awesome about their builds. First up, Reginald Fessenden. If you give a fuck why he is named that Here is his gunslinger perks are stacked with vats perks and the deliverer. I also have some armour that reduces vats cost. I can max out the allowed amount of shots in one vats session and have AP left over. I seriously have to use up those shots, and re enter vats immediately if I want to empty my AP completely. Easy to say, I can clear a building in one AP bar especially with extra sneak damage. Notice how small the red bars are on the vats meter And now, my sarcastic, kinda bitchy, but still good at heart rail road chick. Kai Hensen If you give a fuck why she is named that I got the head shot accuracy in vats perks from MacCready stacked with sniper perks. As you can see I can hit their head from any distance in vats. 95% hit chance compared to the rest of the targets at 9-11ish %. I figure just some ballistic weave in Desdemona's outfit is good enough..Fuck armour. I rarely get out of hidden or caution status so I really don't need to lug around armor. Set my strength really low with her so it's good to travel light. My endurance is only 1 as well. Makes it interesting as when the shit hits the fan, I do die quick. Got the party girl perks so I just down bourbon, vodka and wine to increase my endurance a bit and bring up my max health. I do alright.
  10. drifting the other day with Casey, North and Fanboy We did those in a race with no traffic. It was nice to have the open road. We had to do the track in reverse however to re-spawn and have a run up on the corner we wanted to drift. If we went forward we would hit the next checkpoint. I'm going to make some races with minimal checkpoints to have drifting snaps in mind. Other than that it worked pretty good.
  11. Looks like it. Still some good drift pics. If we do it proper, it would look sick.
  12. DiO


    Gaz, how the fuck did you build so high?
  13. DiO


    All followers do that at the Constitution. I've had McReady there, and Nick. They both kept saying their lines about the boat over, and over.
  14. some good pics. I'd love to try my idea with a smaller amount of people. Not in a playlist as I said would be a good idea before I took off the other day lol. I heard people wanted to win too badly. I knew that was going to happen. I'd be down for playing some this weekend.
  15. DiO


    My sniper girl has an endurance of 1. Mindcloud and pax syringes save my ass all the time. If a deathclaw is rushing me I shoot him with one of those. Stops them in their tracks. They turn around (usually) and I am then "hidden" and can sneak attack them for 5.4 x damage with my Legendary "shoot an additional projectile" .50 sniper rifle. get vats perks with the gunslinger and the deliverer and you wouldn't be saying that. edit I'll have to post some screens of my kick ass character builds
  16. DiO


    lol that is pretty lame. My second playthrough, I didn't even meet Preston. I beat the game but I still have the quest telling me to go to Concord. Fuckin Cowdworth just sits there not moving telling me to go there. I can't have him as a follower yet. well you liked massacres post lol. I was just saying what happens if you don't tell father "you were ambushed" if you don't wanna know that and what ending it puts you in, don't read it. No actualy story spoilers however
  17. DiO


    Hai Bones, If you're past bunker hill
  18. got 6 seconds to spare? Here's my failing hard at diving off a yatch https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/688528045448245248 I got a few more quick vids ill be posting. I wish we could embed twitter videos on the forum. I doubt this will work \/ lul <blockquote class="twitter-video" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">If you're going to dive off a yacht, make sure you clear the railing next time <a href="https://t.co/Qsub6fqeVi">pic.twitter.com/Qsub6fqeVi</a></p>—Ayreon01 (@Ayreon01) <a href="https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/688528045448245248">January 17, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> edit nope fuck it, ill probably just do forum status updates