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Everything posted by DiO

  1. https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/661332131193430016 wolf thing
  2. Exactly what me and IKILLYOU were talking about today. Plus the werid camera angle it was shot at really didn't show much.
  3. last vid https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/660236643673219073
  4. yah they gotta join us tuesdays even if they dont feel like ofiicially joining the igta crew.
  5. at least you had some peeps to play with earlier with that new shit. I was running around by myself checking out the new stuff. I was thinking when I was playing online alone.... "who am I? Massacre? " edit or more accurately as of recent.... Ace.
  6. DiO


    dam. ya that is pretty nifty.
  7. hell ya, heres your backflip https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/660077423589986304
  8. https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/659919737053425665 heres our bail
  9. another uploaded. During the cross the line match we did https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/659727970269945856
  10. I got a bunch of vidoes coming I will tweet over the next few days but heres a starter of the strip club lineup https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/659555383212679168 pics the bail - i gots video Deathrace Marksman in the Mud Dup dying Dup vs BMX, pistol whipping Ya, the marksman made bones do a backflip - I have video of this too coming BMX flying over me in Bone's scooter race Me vs goosey in BMX's deathmatch Killing Fanboys NPC when he switched characters ya, this. GHAa Hedge maze deathmatch, fanboy clocking bones Bones pistol whips goosey Killing Dups NPC after he left the lobby Then Bones' because it seems I can't not kill them and take a picture of it, I have about 5 other vidoes to upload
  11. ya we totally have to do a short lowrider meet too. I feel like I didn't get enough of that yet. not a bad point lol
  12. Otiz's car eats my old guy for dinner https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/658626731004338176
  13. I suppose. I just figured we would want to do another halloween party with the new shit and it might feel played out by then. I'll participate etiher way if thats whats what. not too worried about it, just sayin. Did we want to do the hat/mask gltich party? animals with hats night. that could be funny. that or black metal night lmfao PS nice logo
  14. I feel if we dont get the dlc we should just do no theme. too often we get good pic ideas before contests and take them without the new stuff in them
  15. Homing missle missed horribly and otiz is a lucky fuck https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/658276256379748353
  16. https://twitter.com/Ayreon01/status/657539861642092544 Dup comes back to life
  17. Probably 2 am, to 6 am....your time. lmfao dam eh?
  18. DiO


    Ya I agree. And not even to the point of destiny. That game has raids and other stupid shit like that. I'd be happy just chilling with some people killing mole rats with no objective. Basically fuck around time like GTA Freeroam. Maybe some GTA like, go here kill that, type of missions. Im still not sure how destiny raids work but they sure as hell seem like the focus of the game.
  19. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I quite like a cream pearlescent. It give a lot of colours a gold tinge.
  20. DiO


    I'd say 2-4 player co-op. Dying light style. PvP would be retarded. I dont know why when people utter the word fallout online everyone automatically goes to thinking MMO. I'd just wanna hang about with a couple of peeps and fuck shit up. Maybe check out their player homes. Otherwise, all your going to see is screenshots of other peoples shit.
  21. getting run over by a ped as fanboy and CJ fight gtagrl got well clocked BMX pointing at my engine beach line up gtagrl killing NPC Ikillyou after he left the lobby Bones in BMX's hazards of the dukes race my old man with fanboy skooler, me, fanboy, r2 and weev This was R2s best pop.....it wasnt that good Taking care of bidness in the gang attack that made the mistake of showing up I never noticed at the time but I caught weev dying and falling off the building went back to my first clips to grab some more pics. glad i did fuck Dup? I think....maybe goosey? idk this dup? sliding across a lowrider while its bouncing that is all
  22. you made a job in GTA called Joust. lmfao awesome stuff
  23. cool shtuff. Ill go through my shit tonight. Me, Old skooler, Weev, fanboy and R2 probably had the best coordinated bouncing after everyone else left.