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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Otiz was around. I didnt know for how long so I had to get a pic of him and make it interesting Running him over with his own car while he was AFC Not sure who getting launched Otiz I think, coming in for a really bad landing I got a good video of this, but its not letting me upload from my ps4. It will come soon. Bones Running in the tunnels, and escaping Warriors deathmatch. BMX and me Bones learned the hard way I know kung fu Containerriffic GtaGrl eating shit in Bone's bike race Killing BMX with after a "dirty kuz roll" killing kill Dup falling to his death Survived that Owned this round. The kung fu came in handy again Me - Gtagrl Paleto BMX park Fucking with AM Radio/R2 when he was afc This is how it ended up but... Got some good ones with BMX and then R2 on the bike During a rally race Scooter race. When BMX ran over a bitch Am Radio/R2 gun bunting GtaGrl from a very tight corner Ya, I have a lot of gtargrl getting merked. during spiral barge Shooting the Truth as he makes his getaway And finally....watch where you're going
  2. frig, IDK what character to be for this. trying to remember what cars i have crew blue.
  3. oh I though you did the jackass lol. whatever it looks good. text is a huge pain in the ass. its my least favorite thing to make in that creator
  4. dam bones, easily your best graphic yet. And another reason for me to be pissed off I can't put emblems on my first character. Might have to convert wilburr into an old biker dude for awhile.
  5. The only decent dive bomb pic I could get. to get any better ones, we will need save clip on death. im down for it sometime Running over weev on fuck around island And Casey Blew bones's jet up with a sticky. No better pic of the explosion tho. just looked wonky Zapper things doing zappy stuff Running over weev again Diving off my Spiral Barge This time, Weev and Bones forgot how to dive Found it amusing how many facial expressions happen in one gesture. Never noticed before Dups Monorail that is all
  6. snuffgirdio is gone after my outfits got fucked and the hatmask glitch doesn't work
  7. ill just show up as wilburr. no need to do anything else
  8. ya pretty much no more struggling to get a car in frame going off a jump because it's hauling so much ass and the picture delay on the camera was brutal as fuck it was really lame run on sentence
  9. awesome pics everyone. Good vid casey. I like how it mainly featured me getting run over. I took a lot me, bones, dup Off-road with a trailer Me, Weev, Dup R2 there I think, In bone's race R2 and BMX got hit with a rocket in a gta race, I somehow survived Nitro Circus Rebel without a cause is worth contact for shots like this During Dup's deathmactch. BMX's boat race. Casey is a bit airborne as am i Had some fun diving at our vacation spot Got some good shots of dups bike race despite having to crop out all the non-contact ghosts The bridge dup built Never noticed the G-force before in a stunt race but dam, that bitch is slammed Me, gtagrl and fanboy busted out some trucks de la monsteur Me, R2, Truth and fanboy enjoyed some "Not Nitro Circus" Truth showing some barrells whose boss. The Mower doesnt really make the jump Fanboy at the wheel R2 enjoys getting run over apparently I like tractors R2, not very original with the Sanchez But Truth brings it home with the dock handler
  10. I updated derkastan raid BMX has a newer one that is offroad but we played that last week ha.
  11. That's what I mean. There will be much fuckery when I am not there, and when I finally get on, first thing I get is playlist requests becaxuse people are getting bored. It's annoying,
  12. the look on this chicks face lol some duke of death headlights on the top actually work explosions are fun with god mode on Played a bit as a huge bitch Buddy hit the ground before his hat
  13. I R will be there. Not sure what time. Maybe an hour late. Don't be afraid to do a playlist without me. If you wait and I get there, I have people bugging me for a playlist as soon as im on cause they've already bin fucking around for an hour.
  14. because not everyone is going to want to paint an off-road car crew blue when they usually just have one car that colour
  15. ya man it's really easy. I havent tried filming anything, but to get a snapmatic pic you just get a free cam going and when you want to take a pic, press square.
  16. You took that many from one clip...dam. Maybe its good you only saved one
  17. lmfao ya you can set player mood in online settings for all the game types. I made all of them happy.
  18. Everybody go Surfing race, brings you over the water on a container bridge. You get waterlogged pretty good Actually survived that With Casey, gladly getting off the ferris wheel stickybomb punching an afk bones running over gay people Running over a gay person (AFK Weev) Dup's Capture, Bones trying to Helicopter kill me, Weev's bailing out cause he knew it was gonna crash me and bmx bailing Scooter race Parachute Jump Drift Bowling Muscle car race Truth then Fanboy. Late joiners. Then Me, Weev, Am Radio/R2 Blowing up the truck during Trash Talk
  19. lmfao I like the one of my character still smiling while getting reamed by the car. Ill snap my clips up tonight
  20. ha for sure. drift night, off road night and bmx night should happen. give some time for new jobs tho. the new creator is fucking awesome
  21. You can now pretty much save any clip and any time and find a pic worth saving. Getting these is so effortless now. Nice to think about the shit we can come up with when we actually try. Bones that box grind pic is sick. Literally after 3 minutes of gameplay I had to just bail and check out the editor Not sure what the game mode is but it's when yall have to stay in the circled area. Pretty much everyone in the lobby here Dup falling off my dodo with bones beside me Me and Dozy (i think) in Ikillyou's new race. Pics during races wasnt even possible before gtagrl. she was just standing there with her camera up. The freecam I can crop that shit out. expect even more glamour shots BMX bailing Shankin at Franklin's. IKILLUYOU fuckin everyone up Me and Dozy battling edit and ya, sorry about you cat bones. that sucks. I love my dog and if anything happened to that little bugger Id feel like complete shit