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Everything posted by DiO

  1. ok night playlist wise after all highlight of the night was surgeon simulator tho
  2. agreed. make shit heap car night wait 1 week. it will give some more people time to find their choice shit heap
  3. cheech dup fucking up caseys car. shit photos. Im just rubbing it in gtagrl what a lovely fuckin couple. IKILLYOU and Big Boss BMX with the wallride Truth good turn out tonight. lets see that more.
  4. bmx people and stuff John Snow and Big Boss Well...took more pics than last week.
  5. ya everything was weev's fault
  6. there was only 3 of us and we wherent doing anything
  7. dead ped. that ped was just sitting there like that after them pulled put she said luls
  8. lmfao ya I got really drunk. I dont remember playing with Goosey. I stayed up untill 8 am.
  9. yes it is, thanks bones for being in that.
  10. das likes http://rsg.ms/c757adahttp://rsg.ms/167a15a
  11. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Vice, if you dont have a second character, you could always make one. I have 4 characters so garage space aint no problem. The blackfin is fucking gorgeous. The brawler is awesome. Knuckle dusters are easily the most powerful melee weapon. The marksman pistol is a tad pointless like the musket but it's hilarious. The supercar's spoiler moves. Chino is a boat on wheels. and that boat is actually fucking cool. too pricey tho. The bike is ugly but has turbo boost. It's supposed to be some bike from an anime show as fanboy was telling me so that explains why its fucking weird. I still say its a pretty good dlc.
  12. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    The spoiler on the new supercar lifts up when you hit the breaks
  13. Here are some pics from tonight. No theme night. Random as shit stuff but we had some real good playlists and a good turnout cheech Dozy doing the jump, bones in the foreground my truck BMXog420 Bones
  14. I hope so. New DLC, so I imagine sometime this week. Get your snapmatic contest ideas now. so we can get the pics on day 1. that is the only way to have a top photo is to have it up day 1. I only need 1 person to help me. I have my custom jobs set up. They are captures, and I'll let my helper win of course so you are basically getting paid to me a model lol