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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO

    The Last of Us

    man your all over the cool stroy bro saying these days
  2. sounds good. ill probably save my playing for wednesday an after in that case.
  3. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    ya this release is for sure late. but can we really complain about free dlc ?
  4. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    that skull necklace for you tho
  5. played a bit of gta yesterday no problems what so ever.
  6. thursday? my snaps before I gave up playing
  7. DiO


    looks like we might
  8. we dont need igta night for content updates. people come out of the woodwork for those anyways i say we try it on wednesdays. seriosuly, the last 3 of 4 tuesdays have been fucked. BMX says its only when he is trying to play with us. that is always on tuesday. He still plays the game almost everyday and hasnt seen as many problems
  9. updates are usually tuesday. maybe server maintence is too and its no coincidence they are fucked tuesday night
  10. some we have to revisit bmx night soon
  11. the servers shit the bed tonight dont bother
  12. i was thinkin damon what with the helmet and all
  13. DiO

    The Last of Us

    photo mode is too much of a distraction from the action. that's more of a 2nd playthrough kinda thing to do.
  14. If im very late just do playlists without me. I'd rather miss a list than bmx'ing photos edit I worked late today instead of tomorrow. i should be on time
  15. DiO

    The Last of Us

    Finally back into this game. My cousin bought be dying light so i to play that with him then we just left it near the end for mad long because you coudlnt do the last mission co op. Anyway, beat that on my own so i could start doing this story again. Im anal about not doing 2 story modes at the same time. I don't like doing that. Not gonna lie, I put it on easy. I wanna enjoy it...not get pissed off.
  16. This made me smile Fact: "data published last month by Spotify that found metal has the most loyal fans across the world of any major genre by a wide margin. Pop was a distant second, followed by folk and country." \\m// https://insights.spotify.com/…/loyalest-music-fans-by-genre/ edit also lmfao
  17. look good Ill be there might be late
  18. Ahh. Ya it's funny if you've never seen someone without a beard they dont know what to picture. before i shaved mine people thought I had a receeding jaw. meanwhile its the opposite.