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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Rob, I dont see a beard in that blurryness
  2. Be nice to get ya back dup tonight was finally a good night. 9 ppl at one point. Good pics of drifting. and the server wheren't bad at all. Bones Weev? or truth? BMX in my comet Bones in cheech's futo BMX Bone's old guy look a lot younger with no grey R2/AM Radio Drift Bowling
  3. Drift:Alta St Parking Lot DescriptionDrift the parking lot. 1 lap = 3 laps. Each 3 laps take different paths through the parking lot. Off-Road = Bifta only, Super = Voltic Only http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/fqwe_2gX6Eu8C3T7L10TfQ
  4. now hopefully we can get some playlists done and the connect is better than the last couple weeks. we need to do this for non-stop rain. I already tested this, it works.
  5. speaking of stunting skills and bmx's busted bmx fuck, hopefully next week the servers are better. they were better than the week before, but we still couldnt keep it together for a playlist,
  6. Not really meant to be played as a capture. I made a skate park http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/sWNW3rFW0EesbK1AfiD-Ig
  7. i r will be there hopefully the servers dont fuck the night up
  8. fuck that movie was awesome. no way avengers or any of those CGI fests are gonna even be near that good. there was like maybe...20 minutes of non action. the other 100 minutes, pure non stop action.
  9. pretty sure im seeing this tomorrow
  10. ya I took some pics. deleted them tho. short night fucking servers.
  11. heres the tail end of Truth's buzzard massacre and the random ped woman pointing a pistol at the helicopter....then another ped
  12. I dont think he did. Not my anyways sorry you missed out dozy message one of us next week
  13. A mexican walks into a bar (dup) bones Me at the place where gta characters are born bmx dead dup next to my van bmx hopping the rails the grapeseed flare war. truth old-skooler tried getting some pics in dup's knife fight deathmatch. was hard to grab anything before getting stabbed. heres what i got. they suck but... bmx bones
  14. Ya With avaitors to cover up the eyes, he looks fairly hispanic
  15. probably none lol. she kinda just still looks white tho
  16. i thought you'd be ur old dude cause he is actually hispanic
  17. couldn't be bothered to do anything more than change some colours around. ya get the idea. Good enough really