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Everything posted by DiO

  1. My shot of the night. BMX and Bones http://rsg.ms/5f930b3 really not a lot of pics this night at all. but 3 playlists, we were on point Black/arab fem-bones and grafitti girl heres a good bump and grind ending to a rally race. me and cheech, vs bmx and scotty
  2. good on ya for coming back again Grafitti. Struggle to get people in a lobby tonight. hopefully rockstar fixes the friends list. good times tho my pics wouldn't load. hopefully i can uplaod tomorrow. heres some from old-skooler-34 or my old fuck. You might not be able to tell but his face gltiched. He looks quite a bit different. weird glitch before
  3. I saw a troll post on twitter saying "i cant belive darryl died" lol I didnt balee DAT for a second good ep, good ep
  4. outfit is from a heist or capture. you have to gltich to keep it for freeroam
  5. Talked Truth into making a new character meet Fem-Truth IKILLYOU was inspired by this and decided to make a new account altogether. Meet Morgan Freeman?
  6. kinda like my oasis job. tho it looks even more dense with all the natural trees awesome
  7. most of us did launching into it. I have a video of it ill upload so you can see it in action. edit might wanna give it a minute might be processing
  8. bit of a cluster. quite a lot of spawning outsite, but it was still good fun
  9. ya, seeing the pics now, dam. it actually looks really cool
  10. IDK topic went up late. I think we just had a lot of people to happen to take a break from it. attendance the 2 prior weeks was good. some might have felt they've had their fill. that and heists coming out really boosted activity. i still really don't think themes bring more people. because to be honest, last night wasnt that much different than our theme nights we took pics, fucked around, did playlists. same ole.
  11. about 10 people came. no more than 8 at a single time. was able to do party chat all night
  12. got a video of dups bean machine minigun match ill upload later very thing turn out this week but still fun R2 in foreground, bones back there BMX in a flowerpatch BMX getting sprayed Cheech's guardian Bones bones BMX that is all
  13. I posted this band before but I've been listening to them a lot. Seriosuly an arab version of symphony X from Tunisia, These songs is from their first album. They changed a bit after that one. I think they made a conscious effort to sound a bit less like Symphony X. Still really cool especially when you think what kind of metal scene a country like that would have at all.
  14. Derkaderkastan Deathmatch http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/d7kz8qU3b0yB0mUhXCmFyg Added cover Long-Ass Barge http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/1TYkLSPFiEyW4XZIfwAzsQ Brand new Container Town Walk through the maze of containers and merk errone. All spawns are inside. Recommend DM. In TDM, use the explosive containers to kill yourselves. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/Y4kGeeSEaUWcsD3G-UDRAw
  15. Containerrriffic http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/r58qCUZRf0CofSEYSpI0ag Figs: Farm http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/BP8qFAz19kGK78jgggPenw
  16. fixed spawns. Free Balling http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/btDVfgimQ0qFSdbK2B81YA Derkaderkastan Raid http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/Q81tHlqxWUuLkaMwcb348Q Added Helicopters Chilliad Chase http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/TqeBUC5ne0-D8WaAfEMh3g Fixed a bunch of shit from feedback Redwood Scavenger Hunt http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/kiC3sqzKyk2OGV6Apnt5MA
  17. off the radar was for LTSs for sure. that's cause LTSs take long enough most of the time, people die and have to watch. when you throw in Off the radar, it makes people camp WAY more. and it will take even longer. that's why it's particularly lame. BMX brought up snacks because beforehand he wasn't aware you can eat them in cover and heal right away. despite me telling everyone that many times, lmfao. Guess it seemed a secret. anyways, he thinks we should not heal. If it came to a vote I'd null. Tho i heal a lot, Im not gonna be hurt if we do ban that.