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Everything posted by DiO

  1. the one photo i bothered to save. ....meh
  2. well, tats come through on shirts when you crew emblem them still. my emblem on jackets for my young white guy are still locked. they have issues with the emblem stuff overall. probably why they still end up on one side of the door on a lot of cars. which looks retarded only on one side. mostly why i dont bother with emblems on cars
  3. meh, i dont want it with the stupid lost logo on the side
  4. The return of the Dirty Jackal Also, My ODB is finally an ODB
  5. put bone's dominatrix outfit to shame here masscre, something to spank too
  6. just make the i dot grey. put a small yellow rectangle overtop it for the gold good nuff that, or dont bother. because its a 1 time emblem and who gives a shit. i think it's 10 times nicer than it needs to be for one night
  7. rainbow. we could always use a touch of gay its kinda our thing
  8. ya i've had my fill of heists for sure anyways lol
  9. DiO

    Mad Max

    tl:dr *waits for video form of article game looks tits tho
  10. some from the past few days aswell L'explosia with ikillyou bones pointing out his pimp rims stripper cop
  11. Nah you could probably touch the ramp, slow down and take your time driving down the mountian fucking totally doing that next time.
  12. next time if i ever do this one again, we pop it on easy or im peacing the fuck out lol did it on hard. mistake
  13. ya i say back to normal most of us will have our fill of heists after this weekend.
  14. heist string 4 had a mixed up team this time around
  15. Hesit 3 with ghostman, ace and dozygamer
  16. game's been shit today. not much different. maybe a little better
  17. i cant get on at all. severs down hence cancelled.
  18. gfycat, probably the only thing im going to bother doing with clips. its easy. It loads fast. it loops. https://gfycat.com/FavoriteZigzagDuck
  19. At first I was like "what do you mean? It popped up saying they were in my garage/hangar..." but I went there and they aren't. I hope it's just a bug. I loaded up a save file with all story missions complete and still nothing. this double pissed me off. not only can i not get online, but i can't even test the new shit in storymode while it tells me theres new stuff added to my properties. fucking redicilous
  20. my first impression is rockstar still cant handle their shit