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Everything posted by DiO

  1. bones as flash bone's mehican. looks pretty gruff otiz
  2. i be there and yes, POST YOUR NEW JOBS
  3. planning a heist. thought of recording the whole thing but fuck it dead johnny and the oneil farm otiz in subs bmx really really austin powers'd his rebel otiz and casey moar subs and finally my muscle garage. posting to make ace jealous
  4. FOR NEXT WEEK LINK YOUR JOBS IN THE TOPIC social club is being retarded. can hardly browse jobs. Got 1 new one from bmx got one from jason and a few from otiz for next week but ya, we're gonna need more new jobs for tuesday ...unless we wanna play all my shit cause I updated a bunch
  5. i want them to let us in here this i stole myself poppy's car killed beverly randomly found this at the movie lot. i didn't mod it lol. just found it like that. poor car bmx's nose inside of a miljet the exact moment when cheech was going for his beer helmet the prep for the crate jason, casey and otiz fight winner, jason
  6. I said if you have that much you have to cut it down im not going through all that just for a couple of snowball kills
  7. ya it's an unwritten rule that the sanchez is over powered as fuck. (hence why psy won lol) blazers are acceptable cause they spin out all the time.
  8. ya for sure that is why i turned my voice off completely Dups road rash was only gonna post highlights of jobs but dup missed this one so here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARGEDSCPhqQ&feature=youtu.be
  9. lol ya i've never had a different avatar on this forum. different variations yes i dont think it was too bad during that job. not bad. theres gotta be a better way tho. idk
  10. ghostman's ass errone cheech me fighting Casey bones ...some asshole water'd my plane, fuck didn't get a lot of pics. i was more focused on video. if you have any snowball fight clips, send them to me if you wanna be in my community 'tage split them up to at most 1 minute from fight till death. I dont want 15 minute long vidoes sent. if they are that big im not even gonna look at them.
  11. ill be makin that. ur footy would be awesome
  12. he really wanted one after seeing the ps4 creator and prop limit of 100 lol ps i think old skooler will be there too
  13. bmx and cheech will probably be there. and IKILLYOU i think bmx just got his ps4 tonight
  14. bone's new shirt stella her sex change half white half asian in honour of bmxog I named him after bmx's first race, "Tokyo Dift"
  15. same race no hud, fp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H81Jao3lN0E&feature=youtu.be
  16. i think so jules gets a race change props to otiz for the name i like the blista compact
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bizuwXUgJvE&feature=youtu.be quick vid. just testing shit revamped job
  18. that chick wasnt a hipster. that chick is turning into a dude. her garage doesn't have a theme so i can easily get rid of most of her cars i got all the stockings and shit i think PS taco truck
  19. reginald turns into regina i was happy to see that I guess since i bought all the valentines day pants on my dude, the female equivalents are transferred so i have the skank stockings skanka claws chameleon car is sexy got a thrust again. neat bike. so much dam car space why not furroe convertible panto lul and ikillyou lmfao
  20. i do have a usb mic but its a headset so it will work record them?