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Everything posted by DiO

  1. there was talk about this one being the last on ps3 but fuck that. if ur done till the new year, lets get one last on in on monday. then again, wheren't we moving to tuesday?
  2. the explosion at the track there is for sure a keeper
  3. old and new w/ gtagrl shit working out cheech bones trying to lay down on the bench falling over gtagrl truth and his lipstick fight and cheechs jaw janitor closet convention das blurr gtagrl blurr bonesy slut NPC Kuz shower the race
  4. when ur in a lobby of 3 or more you dont feel like your by yourself
  5. nah my job interview was postponed untill tomorrow buddy got food poisoning
  6. we'll just go ahead and play your backup playlist too *doesn't edit playlist but ya, i didnt make a specific one for tonight. i just got like 5 different premade ones
  7. if you wanted to play that badly you wouldnt be playing driver you FUCKING TRAITOR FUCK
  8. what happens when you get colour advice from mercy Bones, buying shit from his phone. no idea my plane is right there, ready to chop him down (didn't do it tho, killing someone when they are in the phone is a dick move)
  9. when i try shit just been going wrong lately. *wait till new gen to even touch creator again
  10. ya i laugh every time i see it With cheech and chong again. man they were arguing. sounded like they almost got in a fight IRL lmfao drifting with kuz
  11. tried making a capture with the bags inside a binco the area was restricted. no go therefor, fuck it so done making jobs for themes. they always fuck up
  12. the new wall breach is so easy from what I've heard I'm partially thinking they made it on purpose
  13. mei anyone have job ideas? maybe some revists to the IGTA olympic jobs and that parkour race dup made track event shit
  14. good thing about being skeptical like you are bones, you wont be disappointed if it is bullshit
  15. mountiantop one of you getting zapped is nice ragdoll is perfect. if only there were some sparks but ya it is the best of the night
  16. quote cause fuck you for bumping be back a page nice shots showing the electricity we know how if that isnt in your pic than fuck it cause it makes it lol
  17. i think chicks have some sort of sweat pants
  18. BMX got this one. actually, this is at the prison? did anyone else get photos there? from kuz. when he was telling us to dress more slutty. gtagrl with mercy? fanboy