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Everything posted by DiO

  1. same I imagine next gen is exactly what they were waiting for if they don't, ill go ahead and sell all my cars and delete a character apparently http://m.ign.com/art...-generation-gap “There’s something incredible about running around this world in first person, glancing down at Trevor’s hands, now your hands and seeing the tattoos, the dirt under his nails, putting on a pair of sunglasses and watching as the screen tints to match their colour, stealing a car, watching as your fingers hotwire it and then glance up and see the dash kick into life and the rev-counter jump as you floor it and the ABS light flicker on as you skid round corners.corners.[/indent]
  2. IDK. maybe it was when they allow you to move props into the air. whatever they did to allow us to do that, fucked up the spawns
  3. I call dibbs on being sam L jackson as jules winfield I also call Jonny Depp cause my hipster looks like him
  4. sounds good but I wont be doing the playlist, just fyi. ill have a look at my own jobs that could be applied on the weekend, im down to launch a couple LTS's with people so we can get them in the playlists. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/L0NMOYkSZ0-YtIccSOHADg?platformId=2
  5. we drive super cars a lot and kinda had super car night. we've done muscle night we could always roll through types of cars too. Have the races only in that class. lowrider sports compact sedan tuner (non-premium sports cars, sultan, fusillade, futo ect ect) lmfao
  6. pile up while i was getting in everyones way of their photos old skooler bones gtagrl mercy goosey asian Dup being epic cars and shit
  7. cat bones landed on the thing exploding pumpkins Female Old Skooler 34 My crash landing
  8. back slammed emperor my black dude's garage is coming together the yeah shit is still happening
  9. ture maybe i will. only after I've gotten the next 3 character spaces filled however im not that attached to buddy being a hipster
  10. I might a bit. I'd probably just save my money for complete new characters. If i didn't have a 2nd account I probably would but I'm going to have an insane amount of characters to play as.
  11. ya true who wants to grind all over again on a game they played so much.
  12. ya im still not sure if it going to be a shared bank, or if i have millions here, it will transfer over my millions. essentially doubling my money fair enough. still tho, if they do open the slots for 3-5 you might as well transfer all ur character. just for dicking around. another question will our snapmatic be linked together? you can switch from viewing xbox and ps3 pics right now. I imagine if someone had gta on both xbox and ps3 right now, the two systems snapmatics would be separate no? Hopefully ps3 to ps4 is the same ya if I dont have my money on ps4 that is exactly what I'm doing
  13. by the time you buy next gen she will near 120. or just delete her next gen, start a new. or just be 112 on both. not really a big deal. your near max. just missing out on a mini-gun I'm glad they didn't have the progress on both be the same. it would be awesome but thing how complicated it would be. especially with exclusive ps4 cars. whatever new features they will bring out too. I really want to make a new character on next gen. are the character models going to be better? I'm curios to see how they switch over. Best case scenario tho, slots 3-5 open up, and we can just make new characters none-the-less.
  14. cause they're both over 120 so it doesn't make a different if they level up separately. so i'd be playing for the sake of playing If they don't unlock the next few character slots, I'll probably transfer them over and go ahead and delete one on both systems to level up a new person.
  15. with they way they have it, i probably will
  16. ya that's fair. I wonder if the money is shared if not it's pretty much doubling your money too. spend it on different stuff