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Everything posted by DiO

  1. the burning of ace Truth? at the epsilon building weev and bones bones actually looks a bit old here cargobobing from an amBLANCE being dropped on a titan gtagrl from the air round 2, with a journey. flying and taking pics is hard. i had jamie as the passenger so he should have more of this switched accounts look, there. i painted a car crew blue har har the cage gtagrl afk other shit weeeeeeeeev jamie
  2. hm i was about to stop making that joke but i guess if you seem to still find it funny, i will keep making it. FOREVER
  3. I agree but bones and others said he wouldnt even entertain a colour that wasnt blue
  4. ya i changed vote to current blue for the lulz funny tho. bold blue beat the current in the first poll. guess it's a good thing we took a bit to think it over instead of going with that. a lot woulda been disappointed (not me tho lol fuck)
  5. i could use my guy, tho it would look like CJ's age in modern times rather than in the 90's san andreas
  6. ghostman's attmepts at flying a heli through the garage getting pretty far the 2nd try almost made it Mercy's plane crash on top of a house. the fire fighters actually climbed up top the house to put out the flames
  7. bin awhile since i've taken any worth while pictures.......im still waiting cause these aren't my old guy more of bmx being Asian and gtagrl's boobs
  8. na the story and character was cool the ghost bit and the question "dont lie for your soul" shit I thought was dumb
  9. do people have "white" and "dark" meat I guess I'd have to ask an actual cannibal. would my boob have a different texture and taste then my arm and leg? hmm
  10. I want the k-dst shirt lol getting K-jah in my black dude would be legit too
  11. finally they fucking spell it out how it works/get it working properly.
  12. alright, just want people to know bold blue one. ill put up the vote for the next actual blue of IGTA for the realzies later.
  13. it is cause I keep changing my vote lol. IDK which I like better I go for dark blue but then we're just tied
  14. so everyone voted? nice to see so many votes in when yall suppose I make the next poll
  15. I am turned off from getting the PC version got the gta 4 PC. I couldnt even replace the cars. it fucked up the car spawning for some reason. why would changing the model of a car make it not spawn? it was kinda a shitty port.
  16. ya im gonna have to bust out my black dude edit shit, the contest is already started ah fuck it
  17. DiO


    when i want a new player home...i go download one
  18. ya cheech is loud. never causes any trouble muteing it pretty easy