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Everything posted by DiO

  1. ill switch to my dude too for the sake of photos no problem. not playist tho. not a chance hopefully kill, big boss and some others are there. to many white people. whities could be vagos from a distance.
  2. my crews are full leaving one is a pain in the ass. 2 of those crews i am the leader we're mostly white which is why biker is popular. the other gangs dont make sense it will work briefly for a photo to play a different race but overall my characters are no good honkies. i have a black character, level 5. no way am i using him in a playlist. i dont think its going to work. I'm only speaking from expereince when people can barely stand still during photos. and what about all the other people that dont even read the forum that show up. they wont be in any different crew
  3. well exactly i can switch to my 2nd account as well if we need another black dude. I can be a biker with my main account. a quick haircut with my 2nd character on the main account and the right clothes...from a distance, vago and so on
  4. pretty much we'd only need a couple people in a lost gang to do lost. they will have their back to the camera. the rest just need to look like bikers and be facing it or behind cover to pull off a yakuza gang, kuz and bmx will need to be in the foreground. the rest as long as they are far away enough with black hair would work fine.
  5. ...or play as ur female character lol for sure be nice to have someone holding the lobby open tho
  6. bmx is asian, he is yelling his war cry "CHINNGG WAAA!" BMX BMXING FUCK CAPSLOCK revamped nitrocircus, now with black monster trucks bike on car bones and his funny hair
  7. my vote is just be in igta who cares what team we end up on. playlist team making is too unpredictable. and we are too retarded to organize 4 different crews going with equal teams and everyone looking the part. we all dress up in whatever gang we look to fit for certian photos. then change clothes for the next photo shoot. more people in the pics the better. as far as playlists. i guess we could get a playlist that has a vauge gang theme. but whoever land on what team, just leave it up to fate. heres my gang job ballas vs vagos http://socialclub.ro...Ug?platformId=2 im not making the theme playlist these would visually fit gang fights, but do not tie in the theme. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/ofJNuwk5B0uZhTiME-zZfw?platformId=2 fib vs cops actually http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/BVwEHzPy9UaBX3r0i1615w?platformId=2 mafia bootleggers battle http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/lTCsotTZXEGIPQnuMoNVqg?platformId=2
  8. heres my second account's chick for those who havent met tried making her look different from the other females, they seemed to all look related. also so she isnt completely ugly
  9. got a lot of pics this week wow last of the night officially. gtagrl left and heres her ncp we landed in a public lobby with a fairly drunk weev I was on my second account weev was all "woh that's trippy, you sound like this other buddy of mine" and i say "is his name ayreon?" weev "YOU KNOW AYREON" ME "I am ayreon" lmfao me "weev, are you drunk" weev "ya a little" he proceeds to lol with me and gtagrl edit bmx got a few good ones
  10. nah I dont save THAT many 1,029 files some are game saves, and emblem .AIs and stuff
  11. im over that if it isn't for a competition and i need the room, out with the old, in with the new. i back them up to imgur. I keep my gallery under 5 pages
  12. gtagrl and kuz hiding selfie up on the balcony dup and bones gtagrl ray and bmx bmx the super asian dup dup in the net
  13. heres some more shit camwal/its goonie kuz bones dup camwal
  14. got booted, waiting a bit for more to join cause fuck getting booted again heres some shitty pics.
  15. he got you there cuda. it's a well known fact
  16. I'm gonna go buy khakis, wear them and take a shirtless selfie just for massacre. i'll be cool then right?
  17. no shit seems it took someone awhile to post that
  18. a nod to rdr [/notmyphotos] http://imgur.com/a/72TI6
  19. I vote for regular crew night. PS forgot to thank Kuz for dealing with the theme playlists last time. soo. ya. that
  20. DON'T DO IT! capslock makes my argument more compelling