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Everything posted by DiO

  1. suppose. im open to suggestions for jobs to dress as other than the prostitute cause im drawing a blank. PS Not making a theme playlist. if someone wants too, have at it. Can't be bothered making a theme job as well. I'll make a couple generic playlists.
  2. Kuz "trying something" Launch glitch. taken from a car jew jizzy Dup's wreck Dup's dead npc bones... pics from a survival. not as good as last time
  3. my pics so far so i can delete them they are all shit
  4. firetruck would do it. get in the bucket of a dozer and spray them while the dozer flings them in mid air. to be fair I dont know how he havent done that already.
  5. Dup the zombie pilot idk why i find it so funny taking pics of people turning into ncps when they leave but here it ncp dup
  6. nor mine, but if you are it removes any doubt that rockstar has at least seen your pic. that's all im gettin at because of twitter, i know they've seen our pics ... gtagrl got retweeted because of me... they're looking ... well thats pretty awesome
  7. nor mine, but if you are it removes any doubt that rockstar has at least seen your pic. that's all im gettin at better done in the mijet than the titan
  8. ya we will. I have. Plus we are those people lol. They have been supportive to my photos The last times I got day one photos they were near the top. we got enough regulars here to push it up to the top. plus with my reddit likes. Vanilla unicorn, hole cat, igta broadway, all of those were right at the top.
  9. got a taste of the shenanigans yesterday, want some more, eh?? i'm always first... Roger,boss also if enough people show up or stay in the evening maintenance pending do some 'bidness' for richman? I'm interested in grinding some missions. yea, we'll see how the night plays out, the missions are fun to do again in groups, they're more balanced and worth the effort... me and otiz made a bunch of money last night doing them... im down. gotta be in groups of 4 of less tho. fuck 6 player missions. done those to death
  10. next time we need a crew event DAY ONE they announce. We all figured it was gonna be that day but no one was on. Buddy from gta photographers splattered all the top photos of his meme stuff. they were all pretty good too. but Ours would be up there with them if it was taken on day 1
  11. Me and ghostman hiding from kuz. our hiding spot didnt work saying bye to ghost before the NCP takes over the venture begins, not as long as I had hoped. followed NCP ghosty for a bit he started walking down the highway getting spooked by a patriot I was really looking foward to getting a shot of him getting hit by a car. I ran ahead for a photo of him coming towards but when I turned around he vanished.
  12. I look forward to your apologies and/or bans. She seduced me, bro, I SWEAR! I'm more curious about what dup did to you
  13. Ghostmans attempt to fly under the bridge nope Um...idk still dont know This, I know. bow chicka bow bow
  14. it doesn't fully go to the social club but it will generate a few. its at 367 now. thats upvotes. the imgur gallery is at 11,439 views
  15. car bombing bones to get the achievement/tattoo this one is actually a keeper http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/snapmatic/photo/QGq6KxrUjkiB9owWcZq_-A?platformId=2
  16. They Love The Coq http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/snapmatic/photo/oBN6QrpvNkmJu8lBcy6CMA?platformId=2
  17. God dammit Gtagrl, I'm a bit hairy but I'm no wookie. Get those hair clippers away from me. *runs to massacre's office
  18. One more burst like that, I'll hold you in contempt of my pants. burst....lul
  19. I tried getting a selfie with NCP-Me in the heli but he started going in circles, ran me over. once i stood up the helicopter bladed me to death. the bastard