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Everything posted by DiO

  1. ill do the 1st one sometime. those are fun now and again. bmx never got a gun till the end. our team was out gunned. could be at the start the others got controll early then we were just dying before we could grab stuff. anyway, starting unarmed with guns in the mix is a bit much. and ya that fallout one is good. the second fallout one on the highway bridge is cool tooo, needs some tweaking vestra im not. other ppl in the race did. we had about 6 ppl there are just too many points. it would make more sense just to have one point in between the windmills, one oustide to fly all the way through, then another one back in them to make ppl turn around
  2. DiO

    BMX The Game

    I think they are accepting pre-orders now actually
  3. Felt we needed a thread for this. Bin posting feedback in the IGTA night topics but we play each others shit quite a bit other nights. A Little Flight Time by Otiz http://socialclub.ro...TQ?platformId=2 Pretty challenging through the windfarm. Delete some of the checkpoints through it. maybe less sharp turns. I only died once but it was pretty nuts. Thug Tours: South LS by Treefitty http://socialclub.ro...vQ?platformId=2 Liked the race. Boost seemed out of reach. delete the gun pick ups. we dont use guns during these. add rockets. some checkpoint i think were a bit too far out on corners but overall it was a good race. some neat jumps. Los Santos Warlords II by Massacre http://socialclub.ro...Pg?platformId=2 Gave this one a shot. We didn't really like it. A lot of people were unarmed while being raped by shotguns. One team seemed to get closer to better weapons. Similar to your other jobs. These says we play more deathmatches that just have one central theme. maybe limited to a couple weapons. i think people enjoy them more with no large explosives and small weapons. that could be just me. we also played it at TDM. I guess your main intention was DM. might have been different.
  4. Runned over by IKILLYOU'S DUMP I convinced Bones the convertible is better so he went and got one
  5. true. but i missed dicking around more than anything
  6. some more retarded modded cars. we were talking about it in gtao.
  7. NAT TYPE 2 BITCHES! I didn't need to port forward. My moden was configured COMPLETELY wrong after 4 separate tech support calls and countless hours, my new ISP is working with internet and phone like it fucking should first our internet phone router was straight broken. they sent a new one. then we found out the moden was configured wrong cue in trouble shooting all in between...ffffffffffffffawk
  9. ya wasted a lot of fucking time gonna ask R* to allow me to at least change between my existing logos. seriously, they're numbers and gta brands. thats it. deleting the middle fingers now cause they sensor shit on the social club
  10. i compared it only to any car line ups we had as a crew. which are usually random blue cars. edit one night we did do some muscle car shit
  11. Well, this is useless. NONE of the old emblems work patched fuck you rockstar
  12. GTA forums people had a meet up. this kicks the ass out of any of our car line up photos so far
  13. DiO

    BMX The Game

    http://www.bmxthegame.com/ (Site is down right now) https://www.facebook...thegame?fref=nf Plays like Skate 3 Piece creator http://youtu.be/t6E8sN_T9HQ?t=58s A lot of us that skate fluck it were following this game. The creator looks amazing and the physics look more realistic than skate 3. it's kickstarter failed and for awhile I thought it was done but their facebook page is posting again and it's back on!
  14. I just thought of the line... "Hey Babeh, Can I binge on your minge?"
  15. King Of The Hill Control the center while delivering the bags. Watch out for the hipster guards http://socialclub.ro...rA?platformId=2 Heres one yall never got a chance to try last IGTA night. Simple capture but it should be pretty interesting
  16. DiO

    Far Cry Series

    Ya um...holy fuck
  17. Well, you still got a fully modded car for free
  18. lmfao wow the whole point was for the IGTA plate
  19. DiO


    Well, GTAO is not an option for now, started up in this again. doing the dlcs again. only did them once. this character was neutral but I only did these as a goody NCR'er so im gonna go ahead and fuck shit up how do you be evil in the honest hearts? really only one path
  20. /\ that and keep in mind, if you meet female avatars in GTA and they aren't using a mic, they're probably a dude
  21. bones you should grab those too in case gtagrl takes off earlier. dont forget captures have to be turned to force and pickup i threw in a couple new ones of mine. IDK if they are keepers but should be interesting put it fitty's new race dups new crawler and one of massacres new deathmatches. I made those cause big boss messaged me to put in one of his new races. guess he doesn't realize i wont be there. said fuck it and made the lists anyways. especially if people keep asking me to put new shit in
  22. he always goes too far. that sultan, regular spoiler, 2 tone colours with the rally lights. totally would go for a rally car