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Everything posted by DiO

  1. ya I've done a few times, having to run an image through that for a second time after editing them in illustrator. its weird just make a fucking HUGE jpeg to run though it and it should give a perfect retrace
  2. heard last week there was it was a bit clusterfucky for jobs. me still having the best library of jobs, i added new ones and made up playlists someone bookmark these. CAPTURES NEED TO BE SWITCHED TO FORCED AND PICKUPS BEFORE EVERY MATCH http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/HxkFCBibpUuQ-rBtKwliEw http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/bRyrcTtzn0eDNLq2jlUupg http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/j3nXURyynEqdRNcxXZGROg http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/7kR5jZ_s8U-tVHLwGdejgg
  3. I was hungry. but ya, odds are I wont be there
  4. surprisingly hard to vote in that and analog isn't happy enough being a lucky vegas living prick, he has to go see awesome shows in Europe too
  5. im enjoying it so far i've found all those netflicks originals to be worth watching
  6. awesome stuff kill. you posting those from your phone? that must be a pain
  7. DiO


    wouldn't it be a bitch tho to come out of a job or playlist from a private, land in public. cause that happens all the time. then some cock suck changes your car on you. ps
  8. I can't do the whole join crews shit again. its a pain. i can show you how to import them. its easy. you can re import your current emblem too so you can freely switch from it and back to it ace figured it out. if ace can do it... if ur interested, let me know. edit new one
  9. ahah beam machine tat. someone really likes coffee
  10. dude, other players can even change the colour of YOUR car I've heard if you are driving around the map. if ur in pub don't bring out personal cars
  11. Ya im stoked on that, and bitchin dog food. so classic. i deleted a lot of the band logos. if rockstar sees me doing this i only want them to see gta relavant stuff, and me and bones' face.
  12. this modder over at gta forums is goin nuts lol
  13. removed what was the song called?
  14. fucking annoying trying to find out what mods on cars affect performance. saw a post where one tard mentioned even spoilers have an affect. that is bullshit I believe. same with types of tires however a decent amount of people claim custom tires actually affect grip a little bit. have to test myself. many say armour adds weight via what the ifruit app says, most say they didn't notice a difference. Acceleration with turbo and trasmission so stack up, even if the acceleration bar is filled with turbo only. It would seem it goes past that. really wish rockstar would just come out and fuckin tell us this shit straight up
  15. updated le first post stuff loaded for some reason with connection issues and paths not importing was a BIG fucking pain. couldnt find the logo for the text. had to recreate it on top of that. seriously, fuck. these went fine
  16. samr snapmatic wasnt loading and couldnt view any jobs online
  17. nay they change to whatever you have active. i wish they would stay. nothing worse than making ur car match an emblem then swapping crews to see a huge clash. like the IGTA Jackal's blue with a red. its weird published KJAH and world of coq couldnt find mr whoopee logo made cherry poppers ice cream. they aren't loading properly at the moment
  18. ya cheech takes some really good pics. bin peeping them here and there