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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Hexer rim http://rsg.ms/1odClaM Shafter, love this car http://rsg.ms/1odCpY4
  2. Getting some randoms wanting to add me and shit. So far Im just telling them to register here. probably a good way to weed out people who dont wanna play by the rules and be in the community.
  3. Class photo type thing http://rsg.ms/1obaWWU epic gtagrl http://rsg.ms/1obb0pM Had some fun with Goosey's car someone left, killed their NPC truth my new crew car Bones gtagrl gtagrl and hardsauce stuck in a ditch Jazz hands with Fem-Bones, gtagrl, and fem-IKLILLYOU BMX rock climbing IKILLYOU gestures in selfies ftw
  4. ManananananananaanaaaaaaanaaHH http://imgur.com/gallery/RCIYz/new
  5. ya kuz got a pretty good one
  6. Well I really wasn't convinced that Johnny was such a bitch in the real cut-scene. He totally seemed like he was about to such Trevor's cock if he asked for it.
  7. haha ridin dirty totally looks like im doing a weird dance
  8. I missed a lot of that last night. lol Was so focused on car pictures. Got some good ones and this heres one from Hardsauce of my Slammed Huntley. can really see it compared to how tall me and cheech are behind the car edit got a gallery with moar https://imgur.com/a/DUE96 edit Saw this in a sig at gra fourms
  9. High life out. Did photo merges of my garages http://imgur.com/a/mQTpA
  10. haha that has to be the craziest "if" there has ever been for an online gaming meet up
  11. maybe. I might be out getting drunk
  12. I know we don't record anything but that's mostly unstructured retardation. Anytime we try doing something organized its for a photo, and its a pain in the ass. but we have the photo to show for it. That's why I was saying not worth the trouble. from my perspective anyways might be tainted cause I've done a lot of trying to get people organized while they continue to just fuck around
  13. well i thought most would see how low the cars are and just figure it out from there.
  14. do it up. good luck with the music. I wont be participating in that tho. too much bother for something you can't photograph. I wont get in your way tho. the other day i was all "naw fuck that" over the mic.probably didn't help
  15. the playlsits http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/ihrijLvGb0KGT29cE8oihQ http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/jfyU2wP8w02S2vdk6JHqyA http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/aqLh29B0Q0ej59KzQer7Fg none of you really had new ones in here. forgot to add dups new capture. had a lot of his races tho. I heard feedback on my new ones more or less as well.
  16. not sure what text to add. might just leave it. the one pic already has 78 likes. adding text would just start it over. heres the imgur album. links to originals like that shit up https://imgur.com/a/0QaLZ
  17. i got some good ones bones and dup cars and stuff jazz hands begins heres where it got epic kuz afraid rebel gta grl drunk and bald from IKILLYOU
  18. here are some pics of the new cars modded tits out. maybe save some from fucking around with it themselves
  19. Kuz diving off his car Rolling on a concrete barrier. I found this rather funny
  20. Well the game freezing certainly ended it for me early lol that pissed me off. happened twice yesterday hopefully tomorrows update fixes that shit.
  21. I'm down to grind the new missions coming Tuesday. Maybe a few tonight. Totally not repeating rooftop and mixed up with coke however