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Everything posted by DiO

  1. whatever they are, I think its gonna be enough for me to even play missions tho im rich and have 2 level 120s. PS about fucking time this is coming, gHod. I really think it took so long so they can get rid of the car duping glitches. understandable but annoying
  2. oh my bad I must have read your post wrong. I guess I thought you were saying bands you like and i gave it a chance. I see now you did that in the following sentence
  3. The cholo meet bones and ace gtagrl bigboss boating bones stunting gtagrl bmxog burning gtagrl being a mean bitch bones My cholo ruiner with tacos fanboy getting a bite gtagrl sliding and party time from IKILLYOU from hardsauce from IKILLYOU, a dead BMXOG, ass up
  4. I was thinking hat mask glitch. cowboy hat and a carnival mask. bright coloured tracksuit maybe, just to look ridiculous
  5. theme wise, considering we spent so much time the other day a the dirt track, we should do an off roaders event. I can edit the playlist for off road vehicles. I'd love an off road week. tho i actually feel it would be better to do this after the update. so more people will have off road cars
  6. found a new electrocution spot. the small metal bits on the wall there kicks you back usually got hit the wall. pretty funny
  7. I renamed the playlist we didn't play lol http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/40yiPiHh2Eutz8eshV_tgg
  8. Dune buggy bones under shit people floating and shit bones wylderhoads ikillyou weev chillin kill behind glass
  9. just gotta learn where the walkways are. I doubt signs will help much. Props are more needed where there is little cover
  10. IGTA Apr 28th 1 http://socialclub.ro...uT0-Y24u65td_NA Grade-A Spank! - I liked the location of the bag but the respawns kinda sucked. Going across the LS river to get to the industrial area where the package is was awkward. and there was little cover coming back. There were enemies in our base at all times. I ended up swimming around trying to find a ladder up to dry land. couldnt find one. turned into a swimming match. I also spawned behind BMX once. move the bases. And I think you have the respawn areas WAY too big. I spawned across on another island. I had to drive around the highways and cross the bridge just to get back to home base. DO really like the building the bag is located in Apocylyptica - was pretty good. I got royally fucked over off a jump and my dude got out of the car instead of respawning. I then had people landing on top of my character. knocking him over rather than killing him so i just rag dolled all over the fuckin place. swtich the default race mode to normal. Ace you have to be more careful with settings. like this and respawn vehicles. unless it is normal and by default and the game gltiched. it does that sometimes. Crow's Nest - It was really cool. 10 minutes was too long to. 20 kills was too many. Not a huge fan of sniping matches. got bored and started to seashark around. was a really cool set up tho. IGTA Apr 28th 3 http://socialclub.ro...rJ0K0YoOENa40Hw Nothing I need to say about this one. GTA girl and bones have captures that need fixing but they know what to do. the other two lists we didn't get too. game froze, so I stopped playing for the night
  11. that fuckin sucks man. hopefully they update tomorrow to fix stuff. my photos bones in Pool parkour after a playlist Loaded up gta grls rat bone's girl looks chubby landed my sanchez on the train. photos worked cargobob afk close up
  12. just map this image, taken in the house right beside it http://rsg.ms/1mRH8hw
  13. Industrial MOTO-GP GAME MODE Bike Race ROUTE TYPE Laps DESCRIPTION A circuit race around the industrial track. 1 lap brings you around the track 3 times to fulfill the minimum distance for a lap. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/SO8otie3Ek2R_2DhjBhLbA?platformId=2
  14. my stupid pun http://rsg.ms/1mLtNam and bones kill and his hooker wheren't getting along took this to remember the location of the burgershot for the future. not a bad pic tho lol one from BMXOG
  15. uploaded a ton of images I've been saving http://imgur.com/a/OM3Gf#0 might find some of your snaps of my character in there
  16. because got is just testing out faith
  17. took a fuck load tonight IKILLYOU got a bit stuck Rob KILL AFK Rob a night AFK Rob the next day. Was there for a bit lol Kill custom jobs Dozer fun. With big boss, gtagrl, kill, rob and wiggin Catch gtagrl timed out, killed her ped as is tradition Cheech Big Boss from bigboss double bongs From BMXOG