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Everything posted by DiO

  1. my real life buddy wylderhoads was playing again today. Told him to come to igta night. some shots here. he left and came back, i followed his computer controlled dude for awhile. to get the ole person vs them self photo. love it lol ghost following him the meet up not sure if ghost can post pics. he got a good one after
  2. for sure. im just sayin as a whole, we are making a lot less new jobs. ill have all newest shit, and some old favs
  3. I say we lay off themes. It's job restricting. the last playlist was way too one dimensional. Probably the crappiest play list we've had. And I for one am not gonna be making many more jobs untill new shit comes out. there are some many jobs we all have that have only been played one or two times. And I still like throwing in some rockstar made captures.
  4. haa dam memory loss eh musta been shittered.
  5. Late pic posting here cause I was sleeping all day. Pretty hungover. You can ask bones and kuz, at the end of the night I was pretty fucked up and finished off my other bottle. About 17 shots in the night, not feeling to hot today lol pic for my hat envy. lol GTA GRL, the guy in the stripey vest was old skooler 34 how blocking kuz's view of the TV got started later we were joined by cheech, he fit in nicely cause he is always drunk in real life when playing
  6. 2 guys, 1 movie (not gay) running over bitches car stuck again love that 40
  7. bones went on a rampage. only photo of him i got was death My car insurance on my Rapid GT gltiched. Ghostman blew it up and I lost it. So I got an Otiz exemplar now. (mine is green) And heres Ghostman just being Ghostman merge I got pics for while i was waiting for an invite. not bad
  8. I just decided my dude looks like Chris Cornell. Sound Garden graphic and long hair, coming soon to a Norm(name of my dude) near you.
  9. got 40 back Kuz stranded my car in a mission. stuck in here. said it was fine. I'd like for him to know when we went back to freeroam it was still there
  10. when in for a better look when debating the race of kuz's chick mask-less otiz Kuz's 1 hour rampage at 5 stars What ghost man doing? oh.. attempts to get it on the ledge failed here, lost the rudder otiz, his tank in a gang attack another failed throw for the roof. otiz managed tho throwing on in his first try. we concluded that ghostman sucks
  11. On my jester? its gold with a cream pearl.
  12. lol I asked kill for a sports car. He had that and the Jester. We just had jesters in the last poll so....
  13. I win again. My jester wins. Im getting sick of winning lul. My Coquette vs IKILLYOU's Feltzer
  14. bones was blown out of frame by tanner for a bounty other stuff
  15. dont ignore playing with us..YOU! you come, you come, igta night do do
  16. Dude, again. The size is nice. but the restricted camera of the 3rd person is not worth it. your better off using snapmatic. this is pointless. just my opinion
  17. Ill put all 3 in, bump them down to 5 mintues cause they be similar. will be a nice series tho. maybe you should actually play with us lol
  18. we got a lot already. 3 from dup. massy made some. fight night is good but I think massacres are melee based. dont want to many punching matches in
  19. I need to eat them bars so I can have a healthy poop at my old age.
  20. ya it was good playin more with tanner. you buried my post lol. that mayday pic is a keeper