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Everything posted by gtagrl

  1. GTA is not a FPS game, so it's unrealistic to hope that shooting mechanics will be set up the same way as a war simulator title. GTA always has a balance between the comical and the realistic, whether you're looking at gunplay and character damage, to the incremental steps that a car goes from slight to extreme damage. Ragdolling is so called because your body loses control of arms and legs when you go flying through the air because of the force of the impact. Dropping down dead or injured doesn't count as ragdolling.
  2. I'm not sure what the OP is getting at, saying that "adaptive parkour failed" in GTA IV. It's a stretch to call gameplay mechanics while on foot "parkour" in any GTA game. MCs are supposed to be everyday thugs working their way up the ranks, and can't be compared to the leads in Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia or Uncharted. All that to say, ped movements could definitely use some improvements, work much more smoothly and not feel so clunky on stairs or during melee, for example.
  3. gtagrl


    I've got a sun tattoo of my own design, it started with a circle to symbolize eternity, a spiral inside the circle, which is an ancient female symbol, then added the sun rays extending from the circle, since the sun is the source of life. The guy who inked me did an excellent job, it has held up beautifully. I've played with other design sketches, would love some abstract non-literal wings on my upper back, and wouldn't mind a maple leaf or a combination of symbols from my cultural backgrounds. I like the look of the Assassin's Creed graphics, I always thought it would make a cool tat or centrepiece of a bigger design. I'd only use my own sketch or a custom drawing by a tattoo artist, no cookie cutter butterfly crap for me.
  4. gtagrl

    Eurogamer Expo

    I'm spending more time on that one.
  5. gtagrl

    Eurogamer Expo

    Please, please give ACIII priority for what you update next. Did you see Marney?
  6. So I got a good start this weekend on The Glorious Cause since I found a hard copy at the library. It's been a few weeks, I've been waiting for the first book to become available digitally from there too. Just downloaded A Rise to Rebellion, since I'd rather read them in order, the first book starts with the Boston Massacre. I suspect he can't technically be listed as a historical writer, but all his content is deeply researched, just presented in a decent prose that's nothing like dry textbook language. It's a good read, I'd recommend it, it seems ideal for someone like me who is unfamiliar with US history.
  7. gtagrl

    360 vs PS3

    Uncharted was epic enough that I didn't mind playing it through a second time.
  8. Just got back from the library. Found a novel by Jeff Shaara on the American Revolution to prep for ACIII, a collection of H.P. Lovecraft, and an early George R.R. Martin book called The Armaggedon Rag, which is a murder mystery completely unlike the Song of Ice and Fire series. It's pouring rain, time to curl up by the fire with a book!
  9. Hopefully it's just the USB cable, that's a cheap and easy fix.
  10. Might be an internal connection issue with the port, does it recognize other USB devices in the same jack? Also, have you had the console for a long time?
  11. Nothing that hasn't already been said: were comparing apples to oranges... ...The validity of your map speculation is being upstaged by your tendency to bicker. ... ...TreeFitty's map does an amazing job of linking R*'s material to date into a visual, but you'll notice he didn't paint himself into a corner setting limits on what the game will really be like. ... At least craze called it a theory. Puddin' is working himself into a lather over anyone that might not agree with him. It's preposterous to say, "the city will only be this big, and you can't prove otherwise"...NO SHIT Holmes, the game hasn't been released, so no one can say how big Los Santos will be in V, not yet. Speculate away, but don't pretend your theory is fact because no one can 'prove' you otherwise. Puddin' is more interested in being right than having a real conversation. Out of curiosity, how much time have you spent being outraged about this topic and thinking up new things to say? You're lurking in wait like a bridge troll.
  12. The same way opinions based on one trailer and a few screenshots are still opinions. They should not be presented as facts...followed by derision for anyone that might not agree. TreeFitty's map does an amazing job of linking R*'s material to date into a visual, but you'll notice he didn't paint himself into a corner setting limits on what the game will really be like.
  13. Saw that last night too. All I can say is why don't they teach history in schools using video games?
  14. GTA protagonists have never been light on their feet. Take what Ezio Auditore or Nathan Drake can do climbing buildings and cliffs, then look at Niko Bellic going down some stairs. You guys make it sound like the guy in the trailer is 90, but he's not. He looks like the main character to me.
  15. What's this? You need someone to beat Qd like a whore?
  16. I want to snuggle with Smokey for a nap...right meow.
  17. That's a horrible thing to happen on your birthday.
  18. GTA Vancouver...GTA Toronto...GTA Montreal... I can't even say it with a straight face...
  19. That's a very endearing tone of condescension. Well done. The post I linked to answered half of your question (it lists a size for the SA map), even if you were comparing apples to oranges. It also contained the suggestion that using Google and doing some research might be better than posting rhetorical questions. Do your own homework. The staff haven't had to delete a page worth of my posts in this thread, so don't overinflate the value of your contribution. The validity of your map speculation, which I found interesting at first, is being upstaged by your tendency to bicker. The Pudding doth protest too much, methinks. Chill out.
  20. Boston would be great. I've also thought Chicago would serve well.
  21. 1. Your post is about a game that hasn't been released yet, so it's pure speculation. 2. The first thing bOnEs says in said link is: "i don't why you had a hard time searching google for the answer though, i entered "biggest game map" and the 1st image explains it all... you're failing at the internet, bro..." Same principle applies here, that's all.
  22. It's over 3 times the area of IV's map. How big was SA compared to IV? I recommend reading the forums, not just posting incessantly in one topic.