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Everything posted by gtagrl

  1. How much you wanna bet? A few months ago, a member named CoolKing had a prediction for the second GTA V trailer. Said if it wasn't out by that date, Duff could ban him. The date came and went, and he was banned. How sure are you that GTA V will be on the Wii U? How much do you want to bet? Finally, we are getting down to brass tacks. Are you willing to put yourself on the line for this? What are you willing to bet, I'm curious.
  2. I've been replaying the missions lately for fun, and if I get 100% on a replay, all the better...and have made a point of trying all the different bombs along the way. They don't always work the way I planned them to, but it can be entertaining just fucking around with the different combinations. Cherry bombs provide diversions that lure guards into position for a stealth kill. Poison smoke works welll on groups, and of course smoke bombs are not new...and tripwires seem to be inevitably triggered by a pedestrian instead of a guard.
  3. I look forward to getting lost in there for hours...that train shot is breathtaking.
  4. From "No one is going to confuse Peter Dinklage with a tall, dark and ruggedly handsome movie star, but for women, there's something admirable about a guy who has stuck to his guns and succeeded from playing by his own show-business rules. Considering he had to take on both dwarfism and a potentially joke-infested last name in "Dinklage" at birth, it's quite amazing how well-adjusted and grounded Peter Dinklage has become. Completely comfortable in his own skin, his confidence and success have transcended his physical shortcomings and made him something of a surprise sex symbol with a selection as one of the People's "Sexiest Men Alive" in 2006." Tyrion Lannister is a key character, and they had to get him just right or the whole TV series would have felt false; he does a great job.
  5. Anybody who likes the show would enjoy the books, the violence and sex are described in far more richness and detail. There are some unforgettable characters.
  6. I can't believe this topic is still going. Ostrich Boy is just arguing for arguing's sake now, and Ku Zi Mu has an impressive knack for revising history to suit his own petulant arguments. The only good thing that's come out of it so far has been The9thPawn's response.
  7. I am a big fan of the book series, first read them many years ago and was really excited when book 5 came out last fall. George R. R. Martin has released excerpts from book 6, currently being written, on his website. A series this epic benefits from being read more than once, there is a lot going on. I just rented the first four episodes of season one a couple of weeks ago, wondering how well they managed to adapt it for the screen, and really liked it so far. They've done an amazing job...the title sequence alone is stunning...costumes are gorgeous, locations work well, acting is solid, and the dialogue is true to the book. If you haven't read the books,but like the series, I highly recommend them. I'm glad they didn't shy away from the rather brutal medieval context. Look forward to watching more.
  8. gtagrl

    I Am Alive

    Great post. Thanks for the recommendation.
  9. I keep hoping he'll show up in multiplayer so I can have the pleasure of shooting him. Perhaps he has saved us the trouble.
  10. So far, the Monday Night Deathmatches have been on PS3.
  11. gtagrl


    I've read a bit of this thread and am intrigued. My local store has a GotY edition of Fallout 3 with all DLC for $20 that I may just have to get.
  12. Tried multiplayer last night for the first time, and really liked it. It's been at least 5 months since I played it, so I have to remember all the controls. But my aim is true, got a few headshots in on some 2-3 man posses against gang hideouts. I like it a lot, should be even better with you guys.
  13. If you made this more user-friendly, I would do it. I like word puzzles. But I'm not going to print out something on black background, and can't be bothered to copy it down.
  14. *offers a silent prayer to the patron saint of patience...* I'm on this thread because I'm part of the forum, and want to encourage intelligent (and sometimes Asylum-worthy) dialogue. I didn't set out to prove I don't care about the Wii U, in fact I just explained that variety is a good thing. In the end, noob-like statements of enthusiasm are going to trigger the bullshit meter of the long-time forum members. They did it to me when I joined. So, you can't just start a thread to say, "Yay! I want this game to come out on Platform X. And it's going to be better than all the other consoles!! WOO HOO GO GTAVVVVVV" and think it's going to go unscathed. There has to be some substance to back it up. That's what I'm being adamant about. Holy fuck.
  15. First of all, we're talking about the wii u, not the wii, and second, explain to me why it couldn't be better. And all of you who think Nintendo systems are only for little kids, look up the game MadWorld. That was a wii exclusive, and it doesn't look very "kid friendly" to me. Variety is the spice of life. There should be a wide range of different games on different consoles or PCs. It's good that there's a kid-friendly console with titles like Just Dance or Mickey Paint or whatever. Of course they'll release an occasional exclusive that's outside their normal vein, to tap into the built-in market of parents and older siblings that have access to the console. Here's the thing: It makes no difference to me because I'll be playing it on the PS3. In fact, when I was preparing to buy a console for the first time, I ended up getting a PS2 because of GTA III. I am not keen on the idea of using a motion sensor to play GTA and the other games I enjoy the most. I don't want to play charades. I think the onus would be on you or Ku Zi Mu to offer ideas on how a game like GTAV could be better on the Wii U than on the consoles where it already exists. What about gameplay consistency across platforms?
  16. It's not that we're fanbois blindly ignoring the Wii. It's that you are stubbornly trying to pass wishful thinking off as fact. Nintendo's target audience is a younger crowd or a different kind of gamer. Go ahead and wish for GTA to come out for the Wii as hard as you like. But don't expect the forum not to challenge your assertion that not only will V be released for the Wii, it will be even better than the game on other platforms.
  17. Love the first pic. And you like it when I tire you out.
  18. Me and Marney standing by the Pay'N'Spray stunt jump. Marney took us by helicopter to the under-map glitch entrance:
  19. I'm disappointed, but am going to visit family for a week or so. I will be far away from my console. No chance for me to join DM next week, regardless of Mon/Tue. Should be able to look in on this later in the week.
  20. I got some pics from the marathon free roam with Marney after the deathmatch, will post them later tonight.
  21. I'll have a look and brush up on my RDR.
  22. Next you'll be swearing it's coming out on the Wii, in an even more awesome version than on the other platforms.
  23. Coolnoob may show up, but we're using your settings. TBoGT would be great, parachutes and great lighting. I also have RDR, but have not yet tried its multiplayer. These deathmatches are the most multiplayer I've ever done, other than a bit of freeroam to find glitches and test boundaries in new ways. Would love to try RDR multiplayer sometime. I won't be here next week, though.
  24. But you did win. Pick some settings, already.