Miguel Hahncho

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Everything posted by Miguel Hahncho

  1. I read an article a few days ago that had pertained to Sony exclusives and it listed developers working on titles. One of the developers was Rockstar Games so now I'm thoroughly convinced Agent will probably be one of the first next gen games we see from Rockstar. They announced July 2009, probably the development cycle for gta 5 started right around then and agent at that time was just a concept. Once they saw what they could do with gta 5 and switching characters, I think that this game will allow us to not only switch between numerous spies or whatever, but( and this is all speculation from rumors and articles I've read) since the game is supposed to have multiple locations I think the characters we switch between are going to have their own location. And rockstar around 2011 when the screen shots were released, as well as the development kits for next gen coming out, they decided to wit for the ps4 because the ps3 could never handle a project this massive and genre defining. I have trust that Rockstar will not disappoint.
  2. Ok so i heard the announcer say that the world is constantly growing or whatever but I'm thinking this is the perfect opportunity for rockstar to keep adding cities into the online mode. So eventually we may be able to have a gta game with all the major cities, especially with next gen consoles and both Xbox and ps4 have cloud streaming shit or whatever, so overtime the consoles should be able to handle all the memory
  3. Well being how rockstar usually releases a game every year, after gta v is out for awhile I think they are gonna announce that Agent will be out next. I just have a huge hunch strictly because we haven't heard anything about it at allow except for take two updating the patent for the logo or whatever.
  4. Thank you for commenting. That's all I wanted. The topic of the forum is V story predictions and I randomly had an Idea that could possibly be apart of the Story
  5. http://gta.wikia.com/Grand_Theft_Auto_V/Trailers please scroll to Trevor's transcript and read thoroughly... Trevor's transcript under the Michael Franklin Trevor section
  6. For some reason, possibly because my name is mike and my brothers name is Trevor, but I think Michael and Trevor are going to be related. Or possibly mike ratted on Trevor back in the day when they did jobs together. Plus I remember hearing Trevor? Say something like I'm new in town. Which could mean that Trevor is fresh out of jail. Or maybe a triple agent, like he is a criminal who is setting up the fib and Michael via internal affairs.
  7. . I heard there is a store within a mall or something that you can get ancient weapons like axes and swords from, could be wrong though. Been a long time since I have been logged on.
  8. I'm looking for the men's room on tv. That shit cracked me up when used to play Gta IV. Bas Rutten is so funny when he acts like a stereo-typical muscle head.(aka like himself)
  9. Nevermind i just researched it and thats false. It could be cool to see some different influence from such a developer like 2k czech to polish gta 5 and make it even more perfect. Rockstar have their own developers, no need to beg for outside help. No one is begging, i just think that if 2k czech were to help rockstar with development that it would probably be pretty cool. Plus as im sure you already know, gta 5 is going to be a massive game, and rockstar is already getting lots of help from their other studios and not just Rockstar North.
  10. I heard that some guys from 2k czech were helping rockstar with gta 5 and some rockstar guys were helping 2k czech with their new title (possibly mafia 3?) Nevermind i just researched it and thats false. It could be cool to see some different influence from such a developer like 2k czech to polish gta 5 and make it even more perfect.
  11. I predict that the older lightest skinned man is albert de silva and hes the protagonist which I'm kind of looking forward too it. That would actually be my perfect gta protagonist