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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. "Dogmeat Chop is waiting for you at Vault 101 the Up-N'-Atom Burger"
  2. As for predatory land animals, you've always got Trevor.
  3. Whoa, the Israeli in me is gettin' all kinds of funky. I'm just gonna back on outta here.
  4. GunSmith

    Mad Max

    That's all good and well, but the man's suffering severe dehydration! Likely greatly worsened now that the video is out!
  5. If you can't stand a little bit of un-offensive, victimless ethnic humor, then do yourself a favor and withdraw from the Internet.
  6. Fluid, indeed. I was blown away when I saw the bolt in Franklin's rifle draw back to chamber a round. The way it smoothly coincided with him pulling the charging handle was incredible.
  7. Gimme a break, I was 6. Cops seem to be more aggressive in pursuits, compared to IV where the player was only tailed. In the first gameplay video, an officer rams through a fence in an attempt to get ahead of Trevor's vehicle.
  8. Weird. I've always associated the radar icons with the contact I'm working for.
  9. Why does Trevor have an icon on his radar that bears his own initial?
  10. I'd like the latter, please. I need some laughs.
  11. I never heard the criminals protest, resist, or say anything for that matter. All I can recall is that the cops would make irrelevant cracks and then lead the offender to the backseat of a cruiser.
  12. Forgive my ignorance, it's been a while since I've paid attention to Spider-Man canon. I used to love Spider-Man as a (younger) child, but I lost interest several years ago. But seriously, Lee: Why do you need two villains that both use electricity as their primary gimmick specialty?
  13. bOnEs, I'm loving what you did with your hair.
  14. If I see more than two types of cow wastin' those fifteen slots, I'm gonna make it my mission to take on the role of Grapeseed's Chupacabra.