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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Or, the classic "reach top speed and shoot your horse in the back of the head" bit. That was always fun.
  2. You know you wouldn't. You love me too much.
  3. Wow. Been watching the movie since I was four, read through the script twice now, and I still missed that opportunity? Ban me, please.
  4. Every vehicle is customizable. From golf carts to jumbo jets (presumably).
  5. I wonder if bullets will be able to penetrate walls. That'd be a fun way to crash a house party.
  6. I wanna see cockatoos perched in the blocky, ugly trees.
  7. That's what I did with my 360. Worked very well.
  8. Just checked Craigslist. All I found were Sudanese, Libyan, and Israeli. Will they still work?
  9. Hey, man. It's cool! Relax! Just pointing out some irony! I don't want trouble!
  10. If we can take heroin in-game, I expect to see the screen blacken after Trevor slumps down to the ground. A few hours pass, maybe.
  11. Wow, he hit him so hard, the bottle transferred from his right hand to his left.
  12. Your comment angers me. Right after I walk to his house on Monday, I'm swimming across the lake to enact vengeance.
  13. Do you have the gravelly serial-killer voice?