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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. I haven't asked someone if they want cheese and followed my request with a gunshot since at least last week.
  2. Might have to make a batch of that this fall. When I'm not playing V, that is.
  3. Nice job. I like how it's subtle and not over-the-top.
  4. It packs a ton of replay value on Xbox as a standalone. Can you imagine what the modding community will do to that?
  5. Just appeared Asian, is all.
  6. Looks Asian. And delicious. :faplight:
  7. Last week, I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.
  8. Ah, so it's similar to the weapon selection (which I hid for that reason). Thank you kindly.
  9. I have one of those. Am I a pirate yet?
  10. Nice. Set up in that grid, it's like a buffet of graphical awesomeness. Anyone recall reading if the character wheel is always on the screen or not?
  11. Scrub those scrubs, guys. Also, I laughed loudly at Bronson's pics, particularly the flaming SWAT truck.
  12. I'd rather not have to make repeat purchases if I lose my gun/car and want to reclaim it at the safehouse. Not the place to discuss cars, but I'd like to pay a fee proportional to the amount of damage incurred on my car to repair it.
  13. Regarding the last issue you brought up, a major reason for fictionalized weapon names in many games is licensing issues. The second point you made is valid. The weapon tiers in IV were somewhat confusing, as the "Advanced" tiers were not vastly improved over the "Poor" tiers. There were certainly some differences (the Poor tier granted you a Molotov cocktail while the Advanced tier gave you access to grenades), but overall performance of the weapons were quite similar between tiers. The Poor tier's Assault Rifle was identical to the Combat Rifle, etc. With the customization being introduced in this iteration of GTA, I'm sure that differences between weapon tiers will be more pronounced, and perhaps even visualized with stats for different attributes such as damage, reload time, accuracy... /rant
  14. Police chopper in the Cuban 800 screen appears to have a different livery than the ones we've seen so far. Is the dark coloration towards the front end of the fuselage the darkness from an exposed cabin, or black paint? If it's the former, then this livery has more white than LSPD variants, and would naturally belong to a different department.
  15. I just began leafing through and studying an outdated (2004) California travel book that I found on a bookshelf. Should be able to provide minor contributions to the mapping effort here and there.
  16. No, I'd imagine it'd be at a facility owned by "Atomic". Here in NE Ohio, the Goodyear blimp is based in Akron, where the Goodyear plant is. Most airports, especially international ones, won't tolerate a slow-moving behemoth like a blimp at their facilities. Clogs up air traffic, etc. So I would think R* would abide by real-world airport protocol.
  17. Ah. But what do we do from there? Grapple it with our wrist-mounted hook and climb aboard?
  18. I think ol' Mass is looking for something more in-depth with the survival. Scrounging for food/water, keeping quiet, etc. Also, do you people think the blimp will be customizable? Pink blimp adorned with phalli FTW.