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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. @Ginginho: Ah, maybe more...*ahem* urbanized locales will have more in stock. I feel better!
  2. Potato, I agree with you. I can't quite see how this miniature map reveal can be interpreted as small.
  3. You mofos that see this as small have some terribly distorted senses of perception.
  4. I find that preparation too harsh on the digestive tract. I'd prefer to julienne the bat and toss it with olive oil and minced garlic, then spread on a baking sheet and toast for ten minutes. Yum!
  5. Glorious. Gotta scrounge up some money. Later this summer, I can't wait to hear about some fool who tries to pull off a massive bank heist (that involves exterminator uniforms) to make money for the special edition of GTAV.
  6. Nothing wrong with a bit of the old sloth. Also, if you're lazy and cheap, fire some rounds out the taxi window a short distance from your destination. Free ride!
  7. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    Ah, much better. I'm leaning towards the PS4 judging from the features they've announced so far. It'd take quite a bit from Microsoft to sway me.
  8. I never thought of doing that, Tanner. That's a unique way to do things. I might try that if I ever tire of inventive methods of pedestrian massacre.
  9. My intended meaning was that they didn't mention the beheading. They deemed it an "attack" on the soldier. My apologies, I neglected to make myself clear.
  10. GunSmith


    I'm just a bit worried of it taking me over. I'm weak, I tell youse.
  11. ^ Exactly. I don't think we'll be limited to paint jobs with the aircraft. I'd imagine we'd still be able to customize engines for aircraft (greater thrust, more speed), weaponry (the better to whomp ass with), paint jobs (hopefully as in-depth as the land vehicles, featuring two-tone schemes, stripes, etc.), and perhaps even tail numbers.
  12. I can't help but wonder what Carlin (peace be upon him) would have said about this.
  13. Our (my local) outlets described it as an attack. Had no idea the soldier was beheaded.
  14. If vehicle manufacturers are copyrighting the sounds of their vehicles' engines, I'm copyrighting my bowel sounds and my sneezes.
  15. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    Thanks for the answers. Hussain, you mentioned a time limit...Did they mention one for the new Xbox?
  16. Perhaps engrave a custom message on the bat? I'd like my foes' last sight to be a trollface, burned into the hardened maple. "Problem?"
  17. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    The PS4 will be able to record gameplay as it occurs as well, correct?