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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Even if I had known it was a "pitty" vote, I wouldn't have thanked you. A "pitty" vote means nothing.
  2. My question is, how did you remove the original VINEWOOD text? No manners? Care to elaborate?
  3. Majority knows it's fan made, thank God. Like bOnEs said, watermark yo' shit, nigga.
  4. You need to show me how that was done, DuP. What effects were used, etc.
  5. GunSmith


    Either way, he'll be pleased. Good work, comrade.
  6. That's what I was thinking. The container appears to be a shipping crate.
  7. What about the altimeter and artificial horizon, DuP? I'm looking at your updated fake, and I'm not sure if it's there. Am I wrong?
  8. This is arguably the most entertaining topic I have ever read. Asylum included.
  9. I'll fix that. Fixed, gave Fitty credit.
  10. I'm just saying, I wouldn't have the moxie to do that. Anyway, the shafts of light described in today's preview are looking nice.
  11. Change my member title to Fucking Stupid, please. That way, you won't need to type FS whenever referring to me. EDIT: Did it already.
  12. Thanks, Fitty. I didn't really think it was worth it to post the one image in three different locations, counting this one. Sorry to have offended everyone by attempting to spur some discussion.
  13. The last time I posted something DuP posted, he came at me with a disdain emoticon. Trouts on the face really hurt. Better to just wait for him (or bOnEs) to post the mockup, then others will follow suit.
  14. GunSmith


    But how can I scream in Chinese without learning Chinese?
  15. We're on topic. We're currently creating a pot for this September's bet. Also, I believe you meant to say "why wouldn't it be called Pain Killer?"
  16. This topic is for discussion of HUD elements mentioned in previews and posting mockups of the HUD. More importantly, of course, the latter. Radar/mini-map is rectangular and resembles a 3D GPS display 3 bars for health, armor, and special ability under the radar 5 stars not 6 Sound cone displays noise made (reduced with stealth) Character switch is similar to "weapon wheel" accessed with "down" button: left=Michael, up=Franklin, right=Trevor, down=online avatar Switching available only while a small menu overlay is displayed in the lower [right?] corner Text displays recommend switching Preview quotes: All info and images were added by TF. Content was non-existent at the time of OP, due to the original poster's relentless stupidity. The OP sincerely apologizes for creating an unnecessary clusterfuck.
  17. I haven't done anything. MOD ABUSE!! MOD ABUSE!!1 y u always make dat joke, mass? 1 day im gunna come here and i wont be allowed to visit this comunity
  18. *You're I'll pay. This September, we'll open up the Achievements to settle it.
  19. GunSmith


    You'd likely need to speak Chinese. If we could learn languages in Fallout, I'd learn Chinese and max out my Unarmed skill. Jump around and beat the shit out of people, all while screaming in Chinese.