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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Too late. ._. It's inspiring creativity in me. It instills in me a desire to create. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT WE'RE READING
  2. No, that's creativity. I'm respecting the Housers' creativity, not their admiration. I wish that I could possess such creativity, not such admiration.
  3. When I immerse myself in Liberty City, when I walk past the pedestrians mashing the keys of their phones, when I laugh at the satire that the Housers cooked up, when I relish the stress release that comes from mowing down mobsters and other evildoers, I sit in awe of the fact that I'm taking in nothing more than lines of code, created by human minds. I can only dream of creating a masterpiece like the Grand Theft Auto series.
  4. Video game producers and authors of fiction inspire creativity, and in many cases, compel their audiences to think for themselves. They provide the same entertainment that athletes do. You are right, though; athletes provide aspiration for me. I always choke on my puke when I think of how much they get paid to play a game.
  5. It's a game. They don't contribute to society in the way that laborers, doctors, etc. do. The minute contribution that they do make, entertaining a crowd that mostly consists of simple-minded fools, certainly doesn't warrant their high pay.
  6. Think something similar to this was posted somewhere else. EDIT: Wow, I butchered the fuck out of that. Fixed.
  7. Could be they can't afford a muffler. I wonder if we can adjust exhaust? Put a cherry bomb on for rumble, etc...
  8. It makes me so mad to read about athletes that sign multimillion-dollar contracts. Paid all that money just to play a children's game for a few years...
  9. Lag of some sort. Regarding blacking out a car, why? I LOL'd at that, what makes you want a blacked-out car?
  10. Tinted tail lights are illegal and more importantly, completely fuckin' moronic. We won't be seeing them.
  11. I'd rather not be guided in the prep stages. I'd like to think for myself, rather than be prompted to "Look for a fast getaway car and place it in the alley off of Fuckstick Boulevard". I hope they'll implement a difficulty system that affects the level of guidance.
  12. You're only a little older than me? ...I did not know that.
  13. And how much are those professions paid compared to a quarterback? How many kids do you see that idolize Lenny Schwartz, M.D.?
  14. One thing's for sure, I am going to mod the fuck out of the first minivan I see.
  15. No idea where to post this since we haven't got a dedicated heists topic. Remember in L.A. Noire, at the end of each case, a subtle hint at the bottom of the review screen would inform you on choices you could have made? I wonder if a similar mechanic will appear on the cork-board post-heist? "If we would've put the getaway vehicle here, things would've proceeded more smoothly," or "Maybe we shouldn't have skimped on the tech -- lots of time wasted getting into that computer".
  16. Hey now, there's a lot to do in Vegas besides casino heists. There's... Uh...
  17. *bump* I just watched the armored car heist scene in Heat. Very anxious to replicate that in V.
  18. Slam into a meth-mobile and roll it onto the entrance side, preventing egress. Chemicals spill and react with one another. Noxious compounds fill the air of the camper, and gagging, screams and pounding are heard from the inside. Soon, the entire lab erupts into a colorful ball of flame, then bursts with intense brightness. You fight the drug epidemic vigilante-style, abolishing Blaine County and freeing its residents of the plague that is meth. You are... The Crank Crusher! Alternatively, you could procure chemicals and Sudafed for small-time cooks, peddle their wares on corners and behind gas stations, and do some cooking yourself. Thus, of course, fueling the drug epidemic.
  19. Read that a while ago. Kind of made me feel bad for poor Hitler.
  20. Turns out it wasn't IGN. And it wasn't a jet, either.
  21. That's likely the problem. Out in the water I had nothing to scale it to. Thanks, Mass.
  22. But why does it look so big? It appears bigger than the boardwalk.