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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Ah-ha, but that's where you're wrong! Rockstar will release a public beta, free of charge, to make up for the delay!
  2. TTWO also acquired one of these sites and are currently using it as a redirect to The plot thickens...
  3. On the off-chance we do get to see a carrier in the game, I can guarantee it won't be pilotable. Why? ...Remember the lag that the tugboat caused in GTA IV?
  4. 1. Turn Police on and load your crew up with weapons. 2. Enjoy a crime spree, then hightail it to a good-sized boat and park it in the ocean. 3. ??? 4. Profit.
  5. TO ALL FUTURE NOOBS: That^ is how you should behave when you join up and decide to share your ideas. Regarding your suggestion, it's definitely a good idea, but it's also not suited for a game like GTAV. In IV, they opted to try a more realistic take on Grand Theft Auto, yet we still pulled RPGs from our stylish suit. Judging by the over-the-top action we've seen in the trailers, it appears as though they're starting to disperse the serious fog that hung over this generation's Liberty City. IMO, I don't think realism will be a prominent factor in V. Welcome to the forums, and thanks for not behaving like an ass.
  6. You know a person's enthusiastic when they make their point, state the main focus of their point in a word, and then restate their point, adding a smiley to it. Wow.
  7. You're an evil person. All they wanted was a few tacos...
  8. Kojima, you sly, Japanese bastard. ...I thought Guns of The Patriots was the last one?
  9. Loving those food trucks we saw. Would be nice to be able to make (and spend) some money with those.
  10. If I may, can I ask what OU is? Never heard that acronym before.
  11. The game took place in post-9/11 New York. I don't see why people expected lax security on the runways.
  12. Incendiary rounds would be fun. It would be like having 30 Molotov cocktails that can be used in 3 seconds...
  13. Sarcasm is undetectable on the Internet, bOnEs. I don't blame you...
  14. Police were severely retarded in ^that^ respect. I can imagine the police reports for all the times I've had a situation like that. "...At that point, an unknown Slavic man (potentially expecting a Good Citizen bonus) fired on our primary target, fatally wounding him. With the original target no longer a threat, all twenty-two (22) of the responding officers immediately opened fire on their savior, killing him for no reason at all." The modders certainly did breathe new life into GTA IV with LCPD:FR. It's a shame console users weren't able to take advantage of it. I don't expect us to be able to progress through the ranks of the LSPD in V, but it would be a refreshing change of pace from robbing people. Would be fun to park Chop in a dead-end hallway and see how many police dogs he can take down.
  15. I wonder if they got permission from Nabisco...
  16. ^ That's exactly what I wanted to say, only much more eloquently stated.
  17. Wouldn't work for a Grand Theft Auto game, Jizzin. If you mean absolute, totalitarian state, it wouldn't work well at all. Also: Carcer City, if remade for this generation, could definitely be the HD Cleveland. Plus, there's a ped in GTA IV that, upon witnessing carnage, yells "Aw, that's crazy, I'm movin' back to Cleveland!"
  18. Hmm... Have a friend in a firetruck spray someone into submission, then, as they struggle to get back up, bury them in cement from a cement mixer. See how many people can fit in the bucket of a front-end loader (and see how fast it needs to move to remove them all). Put a heavily armed friend in a cherry picker and let them go on a rampage from above. Attach a heavy vehicle to a helicopter's winch and see how many kills you can rack up with your improvised wrecking ball. The possibilities are endless...
  19. One of the Housers said that they intend to keep GTA in America, as there are a lot more targets for satire. This doesn't necessarily mean that we won't, somewhere down the line, get a different open-world title set internationally, though.
  20. ^ You are going to be one of the very few people who are going to be disappointed in this game. How in God's name have you never heard of trial and error before?
  21. It was kind of fun to follow a ped around and listen to their phone conversations. "Hey gurrrrl!" ... "He WHAT?!"
  22. The fight at that desert bar appeared to be random and spontaneously instigated. Regarding the street fights, it's always fun to escalate things manually by calling 911.