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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Bill Burr, George Carlin, and Richard Pryor. Also, Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. George Carlin is very near the top of the list, because he makes me think. He's more of a philosopher than a comedian, IMO. Also, Bill Burr because he's the comic of the everyman. Even if you're a black dwarf with a Mexican mother and an Asian father, you're able to relate to him.
  2. I'm sure he's been around on other forums where people get bitchy and leave. That said, back on topic. Srsly, guise.
  3. Heyyy, maaaan...Let's end the conflict already, maaan...Get on topic, before a mod comes in and really harshes our collective buzz... Ohmmmmmm...
  4. ^Yeah, I sure hope it turns out better than GTA5. That was a real bomb in my opinion.
  5. I hope tear gas returns. Would make for some interesting scenarios with riot shields and tear gas combined.
  6. Mike Tyson horse FTW. Suppose this is entirely off-topic now.
  7. Because it's a valid and original topic. And who's "we"? Are you implying some kind of revolution, fanman?
  8. Late, but... Cuz liek it be cool if you had tha chet on, cuz you could liek jump hi.
  9. I did the same, but the other way around. I felt awful for a long, long time.
  10. They used Vietnam briefly in the first Black Ops, but didn't do it justice at all. If a new take on Vietnam were to be done, I would be leery of Activision/Treyarch's ability to do it well. I'd leave it up to EA and/or Dice. A reboot of Battlefield: Vietnam, perhaps.
  11. Ah, yes. Medical weed. The healer of nations.
  12. Two hits to the head at any range, with any weapon is enough to kill multiplayer opponents. I lost count of the number of times I've been accused of modding, just because people don't realize that simple fact. Auto-aim, move the stick up ever so slightly, hold the trigger till you hear the beep. Repeat. Alternatively, find an AFC player, shoot them once in the head and feed them a swift kick to the nuts. Works like a charm.
  13. For someone who talks shit to four-month old posts, I wouldn't "take much thought into this post". I agree with you, though. I'll be playing as "Trevor Of Michael" too. (Way to fuck up your first post beyond all recognition. Congratulations.) Yeah, I think Michael is a pretty cool guy. He lives in Beverly Hills and doesn't afraid of anything! He'll definitely be my number two most guy I will use, right after the infamous Trevor of Michael.
  14. Yeah, Mankill was an instant classic from day one. Still, years later, I find myself playing it. I'll never forget Mankill.
  15. GunSmith

    360 vs PS3

    Longest update I ever had was a BF3 one. I believe it clocked at an hour and a half.
  16. I dunno. Like others said, there was a reference to France. But I imagine if it was only national, other countries would likely provide aid. If it is indeed, only national, then it wouldn't be for long, that's for sure.
  17. Gotta say, I wasn't too much a fan of being killed in one hit by a baseball bat to the head in IV. As realistic as it was, it frustrated the hell out of me. But, when I was lucky enough to do the same to an NPC, my feelings were far different. EDIT: Also, maybe like in MGS3, we'll be prompted to choose what GTA we like best to have certain HUD options change... I like GTA III! Numbers that reflect health and armor percentage are shown in the HUD. I like GTA:SA! Colored bars that reflect health and armor percentage are shown in the HUD. I like GTA IV! Health and armor are indicated by bars that wrap around the mini-map.
  18. Decided to walk in a forested area one day, whilst wearing flip-flops. I picked up my right foot to take another step when I realized it was inexplicably heavy. I looked down and realized that there was a board somehow stuck to the bottom of my foot. I angled my foot so that I could see it from the side, and noticed with horror that there was a rusty nail poking through the arch of it. So I started screaming like a bludgeoned fawn once I noticed all the blood. And that's how I got my first tetanus shot. Pics may or may not follow.
  19. GunSmith


    Doubt this'll come to consoles.
  20. I was young when it came out. Needless to say, it scared the fuck out of me.
  21. The mobile cheat entry was a piece of shit imo, you just stood there like a moron while getting shot when using it. If you got shot, you put it away. You couldn't run with it, or crouch with it. I prefer the good ol' R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up, or pressing the ~ key like in skyrim and entering a code. To be honest, I'd say lets just have both styles, but I liked the mobile for cruising but your car got hit and you could easily repair it. And sjust stood there? You have a cheats section you don't have to dial all of the time and you could walk and drive with it. Yeah, but do you really have time to even go to the saved cheats session when being shot by hundreds of cops and helicopters? yes marcus there is time all you have to do is get in a car and drive then you use your phone or you run and hide then use it real fast. I always quote 9-month old posts. Doesn't everyone?