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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. I hope that if casinos feature in the game, we'll be able to gamble online, with others in a Free Mode.
  2. GunSmith


    Again, I have to ask: Who invited Fallon? Seriously. Why is he there?
  3. The Male:Female member ratio has changed. Guys, ladies, let's all welcome aboard our newest female member, spiritedaway18!
  4. it would literally take minutes to upload an image, now as far as re-doing the page layout... that is something else.
  5. I saw the crowd from a little ways away and just sped up. I didn't take any damage.
  6. GunSmith


    That's what I was trying to convey.
  7. Because they're hard at work. It subtracts man-hours when you take the time to upload something to your website.
  8. Not sure if this counts. It's not quite Indie, and it sure doesn't run on a smartphone OS.
  9. Because pelts are irrelevant in the 21st century. The leather industry is now controlled by large corporations and independent hunters are no longer a part of it. The fur industry is quickly dying due to pressure from animal protection organizations and lack of a market. That's why you won't be skinning a cougar in Grand Theft Auto 5.
  10. Just got MW3 with my new Xbox. It's not nearly as awful as the reviewers at Amazon made it out to be. I probably wouldn't be saying the same thing if I had payed 60$ for it, but I find it to be pretty enjoyable...So far.
  11. I sure hope so. Would be nice to know that the employees at Rockstar haven't been consumed by some awful creature that lives in the basement of their HQ.
  12. GunSmith


    Very eloquent, but I can't help but think that with so many theories and hypotheses being proven incorrect every year, it's hard not to wonder how much that we now know is wrong.
  13. GunSmith


    We can never know for sure why or how anything is. That's why I sometimes believe it futile to attempt to learn.
  14. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    What are you talking about? Kinect Animal Adventures was the best thing to happen to this generation.
  15. Should I take the liberty of making an Xbox mod thread?
  16. GunSmith

    XBOX One

    I realize that. I was just voicing my agreement with Indy. I respect your basis for your decision because, frankly, it makes sense. PS4 has better exclusives than Xbox, that's a fact.
  17. I'll do my best to resist the urge to drop five dollars on those attractive-looking cards until they announce a special/limited edition.
  18. *bump* I try my best to follow the sequence of the missions. If I get stuck on a mission, I'll fuck about in the city until I get up the nerve to try again. I'm not too cautious about using cheats before I finish the storyline, I love manipulating the game. Whether or not I attain an unfair advantage in doing so, I don't mind. Oh my God...If the steering wheel I have works with IV, I NEED to try that. EDIT: It does. It's a shame you can't walk to a parked Lamborghini with a steering wheel. Too bad I'm so used to controller driving, or that would have been a blast.
  19. That looks pretty innovative. I'd love to see the console version of that.