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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Why is that? I tend to hear that a lot. What prevents these developers from making the most of the current hardware? R* said they intend to in V, but why has it taken 7 years?
  2. Not compared to the PS4 and 720, I would imagine. I'm sure graphics will be improved in the next generation, right?
  3. It's not going to be next-gen exclusive. It may be beautified and released as an "HD Edition" for the next gen in a year or two. CASE CLOSED.
  4. I've been having that feeling. I know it's very likely not the case, but it sure would be like Rockstar to pull one over on us. Just let him go with it. UlanBator isn't going to listen, anyway.
  5. Almost thought you were a lefty for a minute there.
  6. ^ Thank you so much for breaking today's streak of moronic noobs. I love you for it.
  7. Wow. That's FOUR times in one day that some moron has joined up and spammed his first post with irrelevant emoticons like a 6-year-old. Wow.
  8. GunSmith


    Would be sad if these retrospective videos were reminding us of how good it's been, and on the 20th Sony announces bankruptcy. But that won't happen, because Sony is genetically superior.
  9. Another one. We are not Rockstar Games, nor are we affiliated with them in ANY way.
  10. Please refrain from spamming multiple irrelevant emoticons into your posts. One or two is enough. I know they're shiny and fun to play with, but it makes you look like a child.
  11. -5 for awful spelling, punctuation, and grammar. -50 for thinking this is an official site. -100 for the barrage of irrelevant emoticons.
  12. Looks like people still don't realize that we're not Rockstar. SMH
  13. ^ ^ EDIT: I finally decoded it, never mind.
  14. If it is an oil rig, it would great to hole up there with two or three others in a Free Mode and yell into the mic, "COME GET US, FUCKERS!" *please let it be an oil rig, please let it be an oil rig*
  15. That's better. Frankly, I'd rather hear your music than some garbage artist. I LOL'd at the helicopter at 1:04.
  16. Oh, I hadn't thought of a passenger jet. Probably because those don't usually fly on water.
  17. Whoa. I just scrolled up and got startled by my own cat.
  18. GunSmith


    B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-.... Still, between the magnetic forces exerted by the poles (not our silly Slavic friends) and those exerted by the core, why ain't our shit all fugged up?
  19. GunSmith


    I know that they're two completely different forces, but I remember reading/being taught that gravity exists because of magnetism.
  20. Neat info from IGN:
  21. That's like living in a group home for the mentally disabled. Given that they have a topic for discussion of "mortar bombs" in GTA V , I'd be inclined to agree with you, Massacre. EDIT: And the controls for the sub.