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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. Oh wow, remember the Mower? That thing was fun...Speeding up and down the Vegas Strip while not giving a fuck. Good times. I hope it'll return in V. It'll be so satisfying to get three or four other people on Mowers with you and form a lawncare posse. GunSmith117 mowed ConQueStedx down
  2. GunSmith


    Gravity is based on magnetism, right? So the core's magnetic strength is strong enough to keep everything grounded on the surface, but not to interfere with hard drives on the surface? Also, Plato was an avid basketball player and fanatic:
  3. I'm thinking that if IF IF there are other cities, they'd be DLC. Also, bear in mind that this is a whole new fictional universe for this era, so they really don't even have to be there at all.
  4. GunSmith


    1TB and above...For those who are knowledgeable, why can't modern discs hold that much?
  5. What the fuck is the Harry Fox Agency and why have they blocked your video in America?
  6. Right, and I agree with you. I was mentioning that that could have been the actress for whom the publicist worked.
  7. Sorry, you must have clicked on the Colorado link and none of the others. For another (albeit ultra-conservative) example, here's Texas: Feel free to browse NORML's site (lots of fascinating information on that site). They list possession penalties for all the states. In the majority of places, possession is fined.
  8. Don't like this series. Stopped buying them after Black Ops. Each game is just a map pack of the previous one... I might buy it if they put it in a new setting. It's kind of hard to keep fighting the Russians in the present day every year...Perhaps go to Vietnam? A World War I rendition would be interesting to see.
  9. I don't know where you're from, but you're wrong .
  10. You probably already have, but check all the video cable connections.
  11. GIVE away? Sure, I'll take it. I'm very pedantic.
  12. So did I, but I actually would've believed that was the case, if this wasn't a pot topic. Smoking at my polluted beach isn't too hard. Here, anything left in the open will eventually catch fire, regardless of flammability. That's our river. It's on fire. It's done that a lot over the years. 9 times so far, but things are different now...Supposedly. FUN FACT: Time magazine said that the river "oozes rather than flows" and in it "a person does not drown but decay".
  13. I have an advance copy, so I can do this: In all seriousness, I know it's a pipedream, but I can fantasize, can't I? It's What I'm looking for in GTA5.
  14. DuP, what you said about the Google Earth zoom makes a lot of sense. It seems to me like that would be hard to pull off, and even harder to get working properly...If anything needed to be fixed, I think it would be that. I remember hearing somewhere that multiplayer will support 32 players on consoles, so that's good (if it's true...).
  15. ^That's what I was thinking when I first heard someone describe Skyrim to me. It sounded like medieval Fallout. Thanks, everyone! Now I just have to find somewhere to pick it up cheap and used. And then...
  16. I thought the dude bit his lip and she was comforting him.
  17. RDR=5.5sqmi A(GTAV, no topo)=3.5*5.5sqmi=19.25sqmi A(GTAV w/ topography)=5*5.5sqmi=27.5sqmi 8.25sqmi of underwater to fuck around in. Neat.
  18. It sounds like you bypassed the trolls, orcs, and elves pretty well, so I'll definitely have to give it a go. Thanks, Vicey.