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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. For Beach Lady, where did you get the right hand? Not the iFruit hand, but the other one? Jesus Christ. Where's that from?
  2. GunSmith


    I'm pretty sure the FBI prosecutes minors for piracy. Juvy is no fun, Jizzin.
  3. Deep shit. At first glance, I'd think that you were just another swag QD to avoid. But now, getting the chance to talk to you here, I'm glad to see that you're not. Thanks for the chance to look beyond the surface. Being 14, I suppose I don't have the right to go around talkin' shit about how people live. Apologies for coming off as a giant douche. >.< I tend to do that a lot.
  4. GunSmith


    It's illegal, you fucktwit. Don't go to those 2 sites anymore, and DON'T ask your ISP if they block illegal content. FFS, man. THINK.
  5. Hm. Just noticed this topic. My first post will be that I hate the Angels. None of their players have any skill, and all their fans are fucking mongoloids. I'm just kidding, of course. I know nothing of baseball, so ignore this post.
  6. Whaaaaat? Beer tasting? That's like someone saying, "Gee, I dunno. Depends on if we're going to Mars' number one Chinese buffet and attending those eight Martian orgies we have scheduled after we save the world tomorrow at work. Put me down as a 'maybe'."
  7. The bastard jinxed it. Rip his temples off!
  8. The pseudo-gangster vernacular juxtaposed with the misspelled pseudo-intellectual words and phrases reminds me of Ali G. And it also makes me LOL. And no, it's not "adapt or die", it's called being an individual. Being your own person and not conforming to the style of the people (read: fake hipsters) around you. Bottom line: I can keep my kicks fresh, but for the sake of saving face and not being a poseur, I won't. I respect your views on the importance of footwear, but I can't say that I agree with them. Since you seem like such an intelligent individual with a much more knowledgeable viewpoint, I have a lot more respect for you than for the average clown who idolizes his shoes. Frankly, I was surprised by the wisdom in your comment. Good job. You're not an idiotic street punk. Respect.
  9. "I'm not even gonna play the internet tough guy..." "...Is what women find attractive in clubs that I go to..."
  10. They may "meat" their release dates, but those are annual titles. And as a result, they're always awful and only have a few minor changes in their yearly iterations. honky. BF3 wasn't a flop. How dare you. Anyway, I'll be playing the Holy Trinity: BF3, GTA IV, and Minecraft.
  11. Had a weird one recently. Actually, had two weird ones, but I'm only going to bother typing one out. I was in a McDonald's during a nice summer afternoon/twilight (it was in between the two), but it wasn't a stand-alone McDonald's, it was part of a building that was several stories high. The dining area was set up mostly conventionally, but there was a balcony area jutting out behind elegant French-style doors, which had some tables and chairs under parasols. So, I ordered something called "Apple Bacon" (probably my brain bastardizing "Applewood Bacon") and some other items. I sat down, enjoyed my meal and was getting ready to clean up when I heard these faint little *pop*...*pop*...*pop*s somewhere. I realized it must have come from outside, so I went through the French doors, onto the balcony. I waited, then heard it again, and realized it was gunfire. I tried to look for the shooter, but couldn't see him. I stood there like a moron and then heard a bullet hit the concrete wall behind me. So I turned on my heels, ran back inside the Mickey D's and ducked. Some guy wanted to go out to try and find him, but I warned him not to. Somehow, he resisted my compelling and persuasive voice and went out anyway. I heard the *pop* again, and he ran inside as well. I figured, for whatever reason, that I would be able to find him for sure this time, so I crawled back out, scanned the buildings across the road, and finally saw him. It was an old man, with long white hair, and he was pacing back and forth across his rooftop (I'm pretty sure he was yelling, too, but I couldn't hear it if he was). He noticed me and aimed at me, so I ran back in once more. Everyone was panicking, so I called 911. For some reason, the operator knew my location exactly (all I had to tell her was McDonald's) and told me that officers would be there soon. So I hung up. I didn't hear any more gunshots after the call. So we all waited, but no police showed up. After that, I woke up.
  12. You'd be surprised at the vast number of Chinese there are on XBox. Of course no Japanese owns an XBox. They all have PS5s and XBox 1080s.
  13. Also, it has 15 Facebook likes already! Great job, again.
  14. You did a great job on this site. But, we've got a topic specially made to advertise your sites here. EDIT: Thanks to whoever Massacre, who moved that^^ here.
  15. I can't understand why people (kids, especially) treat their shoes like gold. I don't see the purpose of caring for something that: 1: People will rarely see. 2: As Fitty said, are shoes. They remain on your feet. Constantly. They will be damaged and defiled over time.
  16. Regarding what Con said about the console ban, I had no idea that that was the case. I have so many Chinese friends on XBL, it's not even funny.
  17. IDK about that, jobo. He has a lot of guilt for leaving his mother and friends behind in Harlem North Holland. So there's that.
  18. I remember I once used the Flying Car cheat on SA and flew from LS's docks to the town at the other end of the Gant Bridge and it gave me ~24,900 feet. That's a diagonal, so... Did I helped?
  19. Hey, who left a small, portable propane grill under this rug? ...Weird.