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Everything posted by GunSmith

  1. That's exactly what I was gonna do, but at the bottom, I would have random, irrelevant Japanese characters and then put "SWaG" and "Illusion" with all the vowels in lowercase and the consonants in uppercase.
  2. Hello, all. I'm thinking of putting some "Bio Art" in my Live profile. You know, the pretentious symbols and nonsense that Mountain Dew-fueled 9-year-olds put in their bios to let you know how cool they are? Anyway, I've got a couple questions for whoever is knowledgeable enough to answer them. First, does XBL penalize you for putting any "Bio Art" in? I've heard stories of people getting suspended for it. Second, does anyone know the basics of it? Can anyone give me any tips, or at least tell me what I should/shouldn't do, etc... Lastly, does anyone have any in their profiles? I understand that you mostly are PS3 owners, so maybe all the rest two of the other 360 players will be able to help me. Thanks in advance for any help anyone is able/willing to provide.
  3. Holy fuck. I'm not just vocalizing my excitement/anticipation, I'm also vocalizing my fear of Trevor. He's a computer generated image, yet tonight I'll lock my windows for the first time in years. That is a scary-looking motherfucker. *shudder*
  4. I don't even care that you "speak poor English" (which you do not; your English is superb); your input here will more than make up for it. Willkommen!
  5. You don't grow stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing. Make a model of the Hunter, please. And mail me the template. I'd like to get into this papercraft business.
  6. Ulan, with all due respect, I don't think that'll be the case. Remember the district names that changed from III-era Liberty to IV-era? I imagine that trend will persist.
  7. Speaking of horses, Jobo... I wonder if horses will make a return? Place your bets.
  8. All that is really cool and all but... Dup, you have a son? Congratulations!
  9. Wow. Such a simple process, and yet the results are so complex. Fascinating. I can't wait to see you be proven right. Keep it up, Fitty. Forget it. You know what? Fuck you, Fitty. This guy's totally right, and I, for one, like his map a hell of a lot better.
  10. Doubt is the furthest thing from my mind. Understand that, Fitty, as I ask these questions: Where do you get the shape, size, boundaries, etc.? What makes you think that the military base is in the east? Again, I don't doubt you. I just want to attempt to understand your deduction methods. Also, if you can, please make a version of that so that we can see your imagining of what types of terrain go where on the map. E.g., use a tan color for desert, brown for mountains, green for countryside/farmland, gray for city, etc. I'm eager to peek in your mind for a bit.
  11. VCS had something like that. I imagine the cutscenes in V will be something to see. Between laughs, action, and cinematics, we're in for a treat (that is, if the trailers are anything to estimate by).
  12. I don't think that's what he thought, Jizzin. I think he just thought that the context CJ used it in was funny.
  13. I see what you're saying. Those would definitely be welcome. Now that you mentioned it, I'll be disappointed if those aren't in V.
  14. Theaters? I can't imagine them going through all of the trouble to create even one, let alone multiple, full-length movies to watch in V. But that does sound like it would be pretty cool. As for things to do with our money... I'd like to see aircraft customization. A shark mouth and flames on a Buzzard...priceless. Oh, and slaves.
  15. Anything that comes from the mouth of GTA IV's homeless. "Queef a dog balloon!" "Robot man-juice!" and of course, "cheesy vaginas". EDIT: "I don't have any bananas!"
  16. Now that Massacre mentions it, Phil and Trevor do share a lot of similarities. Military service, drug/alcohol abuse, dredges of society...Both completely insane.
  17. No, it's the epic 5-star police chase after swimming across the river, sneaking across the bridge, or climbing the mountains that is so enjoyable.
  18. I came here to say something that was relatively important, but I was faced with some dog dick and I completely forgot what it was.
  19. Ride a train. But not in the conventional manner. I mean surfing on top of that bitch.